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Hi all. I am a father and so impressed with my capable and caring adult children. I really enjoy photography, hiking and camping. Something fun I’ve started doing is Slingshot target shooting. Professionally I am a Linux admin on an enterprise Server and Infrastructure team. I support our Dedicated VMWare environments too. We are using the latest in IaC, Cloudy stuff and Automation. Also we have way too much legacy devices and tech-dept…grrr.

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@Alto @trashhalo @zerkrazus i know its bonkers! im the last one on my team who has dug my heels in and refused to RTO. my tasks involve working with a sister team based in Poland (im USA based) we have most of our infrastructure in cloud and whats not is located in data centers across the country from me. my work 100% online! seems to me if my employer is “upside down " in their office/buildings/mortgage” is NOT my problem!
