LotRO and DotA2
we’ve established pretty clearly by now that giving kids iPads makes it harder for them to learn
I work in a school, we got a box of ipads and I am interested in ho we established this.
I am convinced the ipads cannot help to learn anything better than a less expensive and open alternative could, but if I want to speak about that with colleagues or the head of school I need sources…
Die Nachfahren der ursprünglichen jüdischen Bewohner der Region sind die heutigen jüdischen Gemeinden in aller Welt ALS AUCH die muslimischen Araber. Religionszugehörigkeit hat hier keinen Stellenwert mehr wenn in der Zeit sogar zwei Weltreligionen aus dem ursprünglichen Judentum entstanden sind. Ich hätte — als ehemaliger Christ — in der Hinsicht vermutlich genau so viel Recht dort zu leben.
Zu dem ist das ursprüngliche Großkönigreich Israel eine übertriebene Darstellung der biblischen Überlieferung.
Its interesting they use “most recent generation of turbines” but don’t do that on nuclear. Also WISE is not a credible source. It’s an anti-nuclear organisation with guys like Mycle Schneider on board.
Which source says 117g/kWh for nuclear? IPCC 2014 says 12g, UNECE 2020 about 5.1g (for EU28 nuclear).
that the law only requires vehicles to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk
Where I live it’s different. If someone wants to cross at a crosswalk, they have the right of way. If a child want’s to cross anywhere, they have the right of way. Not on freeway (Autobahn) or highway (Schnellstraße) of course.
Also there is the Vertrauensgrundsatz (trust principle?). If yo cannot trust someone to know the laws or follow the law (children, visibly under influence, …) treat them as such. Keep distance and keep slow, give right of way if necessary.