Fedora. I have yet to stumble upon stuff that doesn’t run. I have no problems working nor gaming so no need (or wish) for Windows.
Aber das wäre bei einer MS & Google Lösung ja nicht anders.
Apple und MS/Google sind ja nicht die einzigen Optionen.
Ich fahr seit Jahren mit Fedora am PC, eigene Nextcloud am RPi4 als Cloud-Lösung, LineageOS am Smartphone. Email bei Protonmail und KeepassXC als Passwort-Manager (gesynct auf der Nextcloud). Spiele laufen per SteamPlay ohne nennenswerte Probleme, Streaming ebrnfalls.
we’ve established pretty clearly by now that giving kids iPads makes it harder for them to learn
I work in a school, we got a box of ipads and I am interested in ho we established this.
I am convinced the ipads cannot help to learn anything better than a less expensive and open alternative could, but if I want to speak about that with colleagues or the head of school I need sources…
“total lifetime emissions for nuclear vs. renewables”
I looked it up. IPCC (2014) says nuclear is at 12g CO2eq/kWh. Only wind is lower at 11g. UNECE (2020) has nuclear at 5.1g. No other source gets closer.
Your wikipedia link at the end saos lower austria has as 100% renewable electricity. First that’s a bold claim by the premier of the region, considering they have 3 active natural gas plants there. It’s power used, yes. It should be power produced. Austria is always proud to not own nuclear plants they sure use much of the nuclear power produced in czechia.
I think you misunderstand the original post. Being tolerant and inclusive ist not a contract you can be for or against, it is the contract you act for or against.
If I act against the contract by being intolerant of others i will be excluded. In your example a homosexual person by being homosexual is not acting against the contract. He/she by being homosexual does not exclude other people from society. If I say: “They have no place in society!”, I am the intolerant one and should be excluded from the contract.