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Saying “white people are privileged” isn’t a judgement though, it is a perceived description of reality. And because of “racism” (the idea that humanity can be separated into different “races” based on characteristics such as skin color), if society places you in the “white people” category, you will be treated differently than if you are placed into the “non-white category”.

To name a specific and concrete example, if you happen to get classified as “white”, you will not be racially profiled and searched by police simply because of your racial classification. In this specific case, white people have the privilege of not having to deal with that issue.

Where the idea of white privilege falls short is that it implies that “white people” are always more privileged and/or better off than “black people” in every way, which is obviously not true. In reality, your perceived class identity is much more important when it comes to how you are probably going to be treated by society.

The issue is that oftentimes, race is used to judge someone’s class status. A black person is more likely to be classified as “poor”. However, when you are “white”, but you look like a homeless person, you will probably be treated in a similar way.


in context he is calling for capital punishment for criminals who abuse children

He was literally saying that “trannyfags should be lined up and shot.”, that’s the direct quote…

He didn’t say “People who sexually abuse children should be prosecuted and punished according to the law with the death penalty”, he said “trannyfags should be lined up and shot”…

And he had the opportunity to edit and/or clearify his comment to avoid misunderstandings for several days, but he didn’t, he instead replied with “cry about it…”…

Also, notice how the comment was eventually removed after several days? Since this is a free-speech community where comments aren’t normally removed, I think even the mods disagreed with your interpretation…


If 20% of child predators drank frisca and only 1% of normal people drank frisca I would not want my children around frisca drinkers.

Ok but does this not prove that your thinking is completely irrational/illogical and entirely guided by emotions?

If 20% of child predators drank frisca and only 1% of normal people drank frisca, my immediate thought would not be “frisca is causing people to become child predators so I need to keep my kids away from them”, that would be ridiculous… It would be “why is there a correlation between frisca drinking and child abusing?”…

If you don’t apply simple logic and only rely on irrational emotional reasoning, you might as well argue that all men should be imprisoned because the vast majority of violent crimes is committed by men.

Trannies are overwhelmingly sexual predators.

The idea that members of the LGBT community is tied to pedophilia has been around for decades, if not centuries, without any evidence to support it. It used to be gay men that were accused of being pedos and child abusers, now it’s trans people.


You have got to be trolling, you cannot possible believe that this makes any logical sense…

Most child predators drink water. Do you drink water?


Troons are officially diagnosed with a mental illness.

So “mental illness = groomer”, that’s your logic?

Also Nazis are not conservative. They are socialist faggots.

Right, I’m sure that’s true in your little fantasy world…


Sure, and conservatives are mostly racists and Nazis, right?

You generalize people like that you don’t need to wonder why people generalize you…


The fact that you equate LGBT people with “groomers” and pedophilia does not give me much hope that this will ever be a place to be taken seriously.

Seems more like a locker room full of 14 year old wannabe edge lords or a call of duty lobby than anything else…


Those are dedicated free speech communities

If the speech is free, why does it seem like 90% of the posts are about LGBT stuff? I’m on this server because I want to know the opinions of right wingers, but it seems like people here are completely obsessed with the LGBT community and “the left”.


No, he’s just using his freedom of speech

Yeah, he is using his freedom of speech to express his opinions that “trannyfags should be lined up and shot… No matter the context.”

Whether he is telling me specifically to do those things is irrelevant, he is still calling for the execution of draq queens, trans people, homosexuals or maybe all of them at the same time…

Lining up and shooting people cannot be done without violence in case you didn’t know…


Where women’s clothing if that is what you love doing so much.

I don’t care about wearing women’s clothing and I don’t care about other people wearing women’s clothing or not wearing women’s clothing, it is of virtually 0 interest to me…

But if you harm children or their minds, the Lake of Fire awaits you.

Says the person calling for the killing of people simply because they wear the wrong clothes…
