Shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic at this point.
Manufactured consent masquerading as news.
Billionaire power is corrosive to maturity; you can make everyone do what you want, so why find common ground or compromise when you can just throw a shitfit and demand that people agree that pineapple is tasty?
Just think, they could’ve spent this energy making WordPress not suck for Kubernetes deployments instead, but that’s fine, we can settle for being told what to think and feel instead.
Can’t wait for Google to add a required login checkbox that says “I accept that Jesus Christ is the one true Lord and Savior”…
And I’m being downvoted. Cute.
Keep em coming, kids. Nothing I’ve said is wrong.
Single-payer, government run healthcare is protection for the people, and therefore, democracy.
Government is supposed to be the insurance company we all invest in to guarantee the continuation of civilization in a way that benefits us all.
Demand the end of private health insurance and eliminate biased access to medical care.