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The main issue is that the Republican party has tied themselves to single issue voters and the kind of religious people who support a ban. They need those voting blocks to keep getting elected.

For a single issue voter their pet issue is the only thing that matters. They will vote based on that one issue alone. There are a few issues like that but anti-abortion is a big one. If the Republican party dropped it they stand to loose a lot of votes and thus elections. No, they wouldn’t necessarily attract a lot of pro-choice people. Maybe a few if the person is mostly conservative but was pro-choice.

The reasons someone would actually support a ban on it basically comes down to how they view it as morally wrong. Almost always it is based on the person’s religious views.


The change doesn’t really seem that great and there are years missing.

Also “Gun laws should be stricter” is too vague for the range of policies involved. When a gun control advocate says that they might mean bans. Someone else might be talking about opening up the NICS or want to improve the background checks somehow. There are also a lot of people who don’t actually know the existing laws and want “stricter laws” we already have.


Are you on the younger side? Generally younger people want to be older mostly to be able to do more adult things or have the things in life older people have built over time.

Getting older isn’t just looks although that is just a matter of personal preference. There are health concerns and things like lower energy. Taking care of yourself helps a ton but sometimes you get bad genetics or some kind of aliment anyway. And age will eventually catch up with most people.

I do still recommend things like exercise so you can feel 30 at 60 instead of 60 at 30.


The rule in effect is rather narrow and doesn’t actually ban home manufacturing. All the elements of a kit are still accessible and legal.

The only difference is that all the parts to finish the controlled part can’t be sold together. So like you could by the 80% from one shop online and the jig from a different shop online. All the other parts wouldn’t be affected in general, maybe an issue if sold with the 80%. And there are also other ways to do home manufacturing that would be completely unaffected but the rule.

Also the case isn’t done. The order is a temporary stay where the court is asking the ATF lawyers to explain things.


Could buy a bunch of cheap gas station knives then put sand in the pivots. Ideal loosing them up first then tighting them after. Maybe wash them to remove oils and let them rust some.

That might be over board. Especially if the dude is a knife guy. Not sure if messing up a new $100 knife would be worse though.


Seems like people shouldn’t underestimate the nutters/fascists.

If they’re actually harmless/useless then whatever. If not then treating them like they pose no danger has ramifications I’d personally like to avoid.


In theory it has some kind of affect but not anything anyone would notice. Like I’m not even sure it would show up on a scale and anyone trying to measure it with something sensitive enough to do so would have a hell of a time separating the change from normal things like eating, going to the bathroom, sweating, or just breathing.

If we say for a moment that it does have an affect on people the next question would be what effect might there be. Again I think a major issue would be measuring results when there would be so many other things at play. Also what are we measuring? What might the proposed effect be?

This idea mostly sounds like pseudo science or a half assed attempt at supporting some new age idea.



I grew up in the US reusing containers like that and still do sometimes. It’s not a third world thing at all. I’m pretty sure it was to save money back then but it can be a eco thing too. Extended family and friends do this all the time too.

Recycling plastic doesn’t work as well as you might have been told and it is more impactful to reuse or reduce. Glass and metal are better for recycling though.

Based on the post you care more about superficial things than your wife’s feelings. Your friends are superficial AHs too. How much money do you all spend trying to keep up with each other?


Democrats get on board with shit like this all the time just more often over copyright or spying on people. You know real bipartisan effort stuff.

Although COPPA was introduced by a Democrat and signed into law by Clinton.
