I wonder if she makes notes of talking points for the week like:
- Talk about jundies and jorts (make sure to get the slang in)
- Pretend to remember that they are actually called Bermuda shorts to use as the intro to my funny Bermuda Triangle and quicksand fear that I saw people talking about online.
- Find and get the screenshots of the Bermuda Triangle and quicksand information ahead of time so I can have a flow to the stories. Finish with a scary article to reinforce to my audience that they too should be scared.
Because honestly how can you talk about so much useless and pointless shit with screenshots and articles if you aren’t planning for the week?
And holy shit this doesn’t even look like her at all. I know she’s young here but I’m in my 40s and my face still looks like my 20 year old face just with some ageing. Someone who hasn’t seen me for 20+ years would still recognize me. She looks like a completely different person, and the worst part is she looks so much like her kids here and she’s purposefully erased that. It’s sad.
Rich people who clear out the thrift stores at Christmas are so selfish and out of touch. I like the idea of gifts like this but not at the expense of people who need it. She can regift the tons of she she already has or god forbid make something. A bunch of rich women being all Marie Antoinette and playing poor. Maybe they should have done a small business gift buy because so many small businesses were decimated because of the strike this year.
Another part of this whole free cruise bullshit that bothers me is that it is so close to Christmas. For some families who could potentially afford this after saving up, this would be their Christmas gift to their family. But this family is going to come home and still have Christmas with an obscene amount of gifts, both free and bought. She tried the whole Disney is the gift thing last year, and that ended up being a lie. Nothing about any of this is relatable even in the smallest amount no matter how hard she tries. She has to know how bad this makes her look, and that is probably why she sprinkled in the divorce talk yesterday. It’s her only relatable tool anymore and even that wasn’t a relatable experience to most people’s divorces. And seeing Renee and Jilly there just reconfirms that the most undeserving always seem to come out on top.
I forgot to add that every day she does the advent giveaway with products she didn’t even have to buy herself. There comes a point with wealth that you should get really embarrassed by accepting free things.
Does anyone else internally scream shut up when reading her shit? We have all experienced body shaming at some point in our lives, and yet manage to rise above the bullshit and not make our identities perpetual victims. Instead of telling woe is me stories every single day, take the shitty shaming experience and do something positive with it. Maybe start an organization to help teens with these same issues. Do something other than this please. It’s tiring and overplayed now. It is time to move on from it because she has the resources, connections, and so much free time to do something impactful. It’s all words and no action every single day. How long can this actually go on?
She doesn’t. They aren’t real. I noticed yesterday that she has way more followers than Cyndi Lauper which seems like a weird comparison but she popped up in my feed. When you see her outranking people who are actually famous it is a good indicator she buys tons of bots. This women literally puts out nothing helpful, and has no skills, talent, or personality. She just talks about herself, doesn’t seem very smart, and writes bad captions she thinks are deep and artsy. I’d even have a modicum of respect for her if she made a goal to read a book a month and discuss it. It would be something. Instead, she watches movies, gives a generic review and ranks with bells, then goes out to buy every secondhand find that she can get her greedy hands on and gloats.
Edit to add: There isn’t anything even endearing about her. I could potentially see people liking her if she was thoughtful, witty/funny, or charming but there’s nothing. I don’t even think she knows who she is herself because she is always taking on the next personality. It is uncomfortable to watch.