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I also stan aftershokz. For gym use I use ear plugs to block out machine sounds and I can still hear my book/music/video just fine. The battery life is great - I charge them nightly to be certain they won’t die, but haven’t had any problems running them two days at a time for 8+ hours on the occasion that I forget.


I LOVE my e-bike. I just got a tern NBD and I can finally ride on my own with a bike that fits me even when my disability flares up and I am at my most limited.

Now that my bike time has increased dramatically I have noticed aggression towards me has also increased. I’ve had people yell slurs out of their car windows, people rev threateningly behind me when they couldn’t pass, people speed around me through intersections, etc. Mostly I’ve noticed it from class traitors.

In my area especially people tie cars to freedom. Public transit is practically non-existent so kids and teenagers never ride a bus or a train and assume cars are the only way to get around. This seems to be especially strong among the lower and lower-middle classes, where people struggle to get and keep their cars, and seem to have an unhealthy emotional attachment to them.

If only there were a way to allow bikes on roads without directly impeding car traffic…


I would say the thing I realize now that would have helped me the most was having backup of my own bodily autonomy.

Lessons of bodily autonomy can start immediately - if your young child doesn’t want to give a family member hugs/kisses/physical affection then they shouldn’t have to. Be her support in that. The trust you build with this is invaluable if someone were to cross a much larger boundary later on (such as any instance of abuse) she is much more likely to tell you or her mother that it happened because she trusts you to back her up.

Additionally you should always acknowledge her thoughts and input. Obviously kids say crazy shit that sometimes have little bearing on reality, but it is so helpful as a teenager/young adult to know that there is someone who will listen and help you process things. Just work through problems with her, and if she has a suggestion on how to solve it - even if you know it won’t work - give it a shot to SHOW her it won’t work and talk through why it happened if you can.

This is of course assuming you aren’t going to accidentally create a bomb, or otherwise cause irreversible damage to someone/thing.


UGH, come on squeenix! Do you want boycotts and strikes? Because replacing artists and programmers with AI is how you get boycotts and strikes.


I was also thinking Contra was involved, but when he pulled out the lighting I thought it was something someone had done to her. I’m very glad it just turned out to be Somerton, who failed the sniff test the first time he was recommended to me by the algorithm.


I am honestly surprised Starfield has done as well as it has. Fallout 4 will probably be the last Bethesda game I ever pay for unless they overhaul their entire business model. It’s very clear from all of what happened to 76 and interviews from Todd that the creativity at Bethesda is dead. It’s not gamers making games. It’s executives wanting to print money. At this point I hesitate to pay for any AAA game.

No one deserves to be held in such high regard that they get a free pass for bad behavior.
