Lol what the fuck are you dumb?
Read between the lines. This kid is telling me in 12 months diesel will be gone by EVs and then nothing, just that’s it. Guess that’s the final solution.
Another tells me I have no hope. There is no hope the car industry and infrastructure is bad overall entirely.
They’re basically arguing once we get EVs car pollution is solved and checked so we can move on. And that’s just not true.
EU just leap frogged Orban and Biden dipped the Republicans so sounds like a loss for Russia imo
So? Don’t police my tone. Argue the content. Nobody here has done that. They’re just mad I’m pointing out EVs are kind of trash and a bad idea because they’re prolonging a serious problem. This isn’t an opinion, this is the truth.
We have limited resources, the end is actually in sight this time. Throughout all of human history we are crying the end is nigh, guess what? The end is actually nigh we should act like it. Not police people’s tones and get pissy they’re not saying it the way we wanna hear it