Thank you for sharing your thoughts. My perspective is that the people who think these comments are apolitical are people who think that their way of life is the “default.” That anyone who deviates from this way of living is flawed or worse, against them. I think it is really hard for them to accept that other people can happily exist in ways that are foreign to them. Maybe they even feel that suffering is a requirement to a “valid” life. As an American, it’s really hard to have a conversation or discussion about this because American politics has become so polarized. I stand with human rights as my political view. I think both Democrats and Republicans have done a lot to make it difficult for conversation to happen. I’m not really sure what the solution is. It is hard to be caught in the middle of.
I think the frustration comes from seeing such quick action taken against brown people who can easily be labeled as “illegals” when we have domestic crime between citizens happening on a much more frequent basis with less action being taken. I think these kind of deportations are used to bolster ignorance and fuel stereotypes for future legal basis or oppression. Perhaps the down votes are misplaced in this situation, but I can understand the reaction.