Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg und alle haben sich beim Einmarsch zuerst mal beim Zoll zur Passkontrolle in die Schlange gestellt…
“Haben Sie ein Visa?”
“Ja dann dürfen sie uns leider nicht angreifen und müssen wieder ausreisen!”
When the English tongue we speak.
Why is break not rhymed with freak?
Will you tell me why it’s true
We say sew but likewise few?
And the maker of the verse,
Cannot rhyme his horse with worse?
Beard is not the same as heard
Cord is different from word.
Cow is cow but low is low
Shoe is never rhymed with foe.
Think of hose, dose,and lose
And think of goose and yet with choose
Think of comb, tomb and bomb,
Doll and roll or home and some.
Since pay is rhymed with say
Why not paid with said I pray?
Think of blood, food and good.
Mould is not pronounced like could.
Wherefore done, but gone and lone -
Is there any reason known?
To sum up all, it seems to me
Sound and letters don’t agree.
My brain: “Ugh I suck at memorizing random numbers! I just know I won’t be able to remember that.”
Also my brain: “Oh a fire/medical emergency/… - lets call emergency services!” immediately followed by "♪ 0118999881999119725…3 ♪ "
didn’t get permission from the original author
Tell me you don’t know xkcd without saying you don’t know xkcd. These comics are licensed as CC-BY-NC 2.5, which means you are allowed to remix and use them, without explicitly asking for permission, as long as you attribute the original/author (which is given here) and as long as you do it non-commercially (which is given for this post IMHO).