Thank you for pursuing making the community. I am willing to talk about Traveller and other sci-fi themed topics.
Happy fediversary! Thanks for letting us join in!
Oddly specific, but I like it.
I’m mostly in the same boat as you. I have tried several times to get into Critical Role since everyone raves about it, plus a few others. It’s not for me. I suppose it’s because I don’t have any emotional connection with the actual play where I would have that investment with my own game. I will say that I did enjoy Dungeons & Daddies though, but that show is more like listening to a comedy podcast about fantasy rather than an actual play.
I haven’t played in person seriously for many years. We’re starting a new in-person group here soon, so I’m going to have to figure something out. I have a boatload of 3 ring binders so I will probably do the clear sleeve thing like you do, Mike. And then promptly pull them all out to spread around the table because I am a loose-leaf person at heart.
That’s pretty cool. I didn’t know this was a thing.
I go to try out different systems or to play systems my regular group doesn’t play. Also, to remind myself why I have a regular group and how fortunate I am that they are mostly sane and adjusted people.