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frauddogg [they/them, null/void]
1 posts • 271 comments

<Coronet of the Crashout> Fraud Dogg, <the Edgelord>. || Never surrender, never retreat. || Nasrallah lives on

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Malcolm was right.

“The white conservatives aren’t friends of the Negro either, but they at least don’t try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the “smiling” fox.”


So listen up, boy; or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today.


And this is why as soon as Boston Dynamics said no to the government, suspiciously, a company named Ghost Dynamics spun up with practically the exact same frames

If this is what robotics is going to be used for I think a lot more roboticists need their hands chopped off at the wrists


Israel is an illegitimate settler colony that never should have been ceded UN recognition


Deadass fuck the working class if they’re behind this. I absolutely will purity test a white worker at this point; you can’t kick it with me if you voted for this, if you cudgeled others to vote for this. Genocide is a non-fucking-starter; you cannot come with me if you got behind this. The blood on your hands will stay your feet.


Oh, 100%, but I just constantly reference the Baldwin quote. Every morning, I wake up in a nation hostile to my very existence, moreso because I escaped both the pipelines intended for me, and have to trudge through a day where I’m not getting paid enough to save to leave, and have to live through crackers trying to deny every last bit of the parts of my existence that contribute to why I despise this society and those who run defense for it with every iota of my being.

No, it’s totally not that they thumb their noses and actively uplift a systemic bias against my people, I’m just lazy. No, it’s totally not that I have to hear about a pig killing another Black man, woman, or child literally every other week, I just have too much empathy for criminals. Speaking of criminals, no, it’s totally not that Amerika is still a slave state and every person who’s ever backed a “tough on crime” candidate is an overseer in that slave state; I’m just being dramatic.

To be Black and relatively conscious in this nation is not to be in a state of rage anymore; props and love to Brother Baldwin. To be Black and even close to conscious is to be in a state of tacit, lucid fury, almost all of the time-- because rage is too unfocused, and too much of a liability in this day and age. The crackers are watching, waiting for you to slip up. It must be tranquil, lucid fury.


It’s funny how they talk about tankies the same way fascists talk about their enemies as both weak and strong at the same time.

Because the only thing separating a liberal and a fascist is relative comfort.


Death to amerika death to amerika death to amerika holy shit how is this the best option the crackers can offer


It’s a ‘massive’ genre, but all of our most talented and most likely to be ‘next up’ are all caught in slave deals and/or being shelved by their labels in favor of easily-controlled, easily-watered down puppets. That’s not even getting into predatory artists who establish their own artist labels specifically to take people who WOULD be up-and-coming and cut them off at the knees by making them a writer or producer instead of a main attraction themselves. (See also: Aubrey Graham’s “OVO Sound”, also known as the “OVO Sweatshop” from how many talented Toronto artists got made into ghostwriters and had they sounds stolen and amalgamated into Aubrey’s own after signing.)

There are no Tupacs, Biggies, or Nases anymore, and it’s that way by design. The people currently running the show are all either settlers or misleaders, leading to yet another genre that we pioneered and advanced getting Elvis’d by the white man and all of the sell-outs bearing their water.

Like, Aubrey Graham was on top of the game for years; if that’s not an absolute indictment of what today’s hip-hop was prior to the Kendrick beef, I don’t know what is.
