Computers, the Internet, and the whole of IT have been moving too fast for regulators to keep up since the 90s. They are slower than a tortoise walking through molasses with a blindfold on.
But what can you expect when those who make regulations over IT still don’t know how to change the time on their VCR?
I’m waiting a few seasons for them to make the game enjoyable before I try it again. Diablo 3 was released with an endgame that sucked. But over the years they fixed it and made it incredibly fun.
I know Diablo 4 isn’t intended to be the same power fantasy that Diablo 3 became, but I’m convinced they are headed in a direction that makes the game fun, because it isn’t currently fun at all. It’s tedious work with lackluster rewards. But they will get there.
And if they don’t? Well… On to get next.