hexbee [she/her]
more than I expected tbh
Thanks for sharing that. I personally took fraudogg’s comment to be an offhanded quip not really related to the top level comment. So I didn’t see the reason to say something like that in response, especially on a site so overwhelmingly filled with white anglos, who tend to take such moments to congratulate themselves of being “the good ones”
and I appreciate the edit lol
Fair enough, sorry to assume. But the point still stands that a really fucking common experience that poc people have was pointed out, to which you responded “well it’s not like that all the time”. Yeah, I think we all know that, I think all of us here are trying to think about systems. What is the systemic purpose of pointing out that some white people are good eggs whenever poc share their everyday experiences?
Person in the last pic really needs a coat. Or to pee.
I don’t understand how a society with such advanced technology can be so ignorant.
Because the tech industry has invested heavily into the idea that what they do is nothing short of bestowing the magical gift of technology onto the common people who would never have a chance of understanding it if not for tech jesus himself who brought us closer to enlightenment by giving us the iphone. Massive but commonplace propaganda campaigns from the tech giants popularise this anti-intelectual framing, not coincidentally closely related to evangelical millenarianism.