Another way that Christian’s Nationalist are similar to Islamist terror groups: they preach a false interpretation of established religious doctrine. I doubt a major of these so called “Christians” practice half the shit listed in whatever version of the Bible they might cite or even read it.
Great. I hate to see how high the rate of birth by children due to rape spike in the state.
You know this is fucked up when a person who would be normally affected by redistricting doesn’t want to stop it from happening.
I don’t trust Boeing with airplanes anymore. What makes you think I trust them with spacecraft of any kind?
I fucking hate Blanco. I live in the county he is in. When the pandemic hit in 2020, he openly reported to the public that he would not enforce the health orders the county was issuing. On top of that he had many, many of his deputies die in the prison system due to COVID, plus the jail system in the county has been criticized for issues under his watch. Maybe worst of all, he was a member of Oath Keepers.
I fucking hate this dude. To make the matters worse again, back in March, the Riverside County Supervisors voted against separating the Sheriff’s Department from the Corner’s office. Apparently there have been a number of unexplained(?) deaths in the jail system that the department has not investigated after receiving complaints from families.
He is one of the worst people in elected office in Riverside County. Somehow people keep voting for him.