Is this what competing product releases look like now? Illya runs off and promises to “never release any software until it’s superintelligent” and I guess that forces Sam to compete for debt by promises to release software AND superintelligence?
Out of my sample of Anime fans who actively participate in the hobby and spend money on it,
100% of them hate genAI primarily because, and I quote, “if I pay you $40 for something and it is exactly equivalent to what a $0.05 prompt garbage result would be, I won’t pay you again.”
Fans, the real fans, can tell. Like, this is their whole hobby brah.
Honestly, Yes. The hardest thing for a rich person to do is spend their money. Eventually this catches up with them: to spend no money is to lose it comparatively, to spend money is to risk not getting it back. So a great deal of the money world revolves primarily around persuasion, and the very odd things that happen along the way.
I can’t say I know what Liongate’s plan is, precisely, but I think you’re hitting this on the head.
Remember. Most corporate strategy could be summarized as persuading investors for more debt. It doesn’t really tell the whole story of what is or will happen, only what needs to be said loudly in a room full of fools holding the money bags.
I feel this shouldn’t at all be surprising, and continues to point to Diverse Intelligence as more fundamental than any sort General Intelligence conceptually. There’s a huge difference between what something is in theory or in principal capable of, and the economics story of what that thing attends to naturally as per its energy story.
Broadly, even simple things are powerful precisely because of what they don’t bother trying to do until perturbed.
Ultimately, I hypothesize the reason why VCs like the idea of LLMs doing simple things far more expensively than otherwise is already possible, is because, They literally can’t imagine what else to spend their money on. They are vacuous consumers by design.
I’m actually, not convinced that AI meaningfully beyond human capability actually makes any sense, either. The most likely thing is that after stopping the imitation game, an AI developed further would just… have different goals than us. Heck, it might not even look intelligent at all to half of human observers.
For instance, does the Sun count as a super intelligence? It has far more capability than any human, or humanity as a whole, on the current time scale.
I don’t get it. If scaling is all you need, what does a “cracked team” of 5 mean in the end? Nothing?
What’s, the different between super intelligence being scaling, and super intelligence, being whatever happens? Can someone explain to me the difference between what is and what SUPER is? When someone gives me the definition of super intelligence as “the power to make anything happen,” I always beg, again, “and how is that different precisely from not, that?”
The whole project is tautological.
When it comes to cloning or copying, I always have to remind people: at least half of what you are today, is the environment of today. And your clone X time in the future won’t and can’t have that.
The same thing is likely for these models. Inflate them again 100 years in the future, and maybe they’re interesting for inspecting as a historical artifact, but most certainly they wouldn’t be used the same way as they had been here and how. It’d just, be something different.
Which would beg the question, why?
I feel like a subset of sci-fi and philosophical meandering really is just increasingly convoluted paths of trying to avoid or come to terms with death as a possibly necessary component of life.