I appreciate this perspective, especially
There’s no magic barrier between internalized and externalized cognition.
I think it’s increasingly clear that cognition is networking, and no matter how you are constructed, it’s both internal and external, and that in a sense, the objects aren’t the important thing (the relationships are).
Like, maybe there aren’t shortcuts. If you want perfect GO play you may very well have to pay the full inductive price. And even then, congrats, but GO still exists.
It’s interesting to see how Chess has continued to be relevant, hell, possibly even more popular than its ever been, due to increased accessibility, alternative formats, and embracing the performance aspects of the game.
Maybe hot take, but I actually feel like the world doesn’t need strictly speaking more documentation tooling at all, LLM / RAG or otherwise.
Companies probably actually need to curate down their documents so that simpler thinks work, then it doesn’t cost ever increasing infrastructure to overcome the problems that previous investment actually literally caused.
Why so general? The multi-agent dynamical systems theory needed to heal internal conflicts such as auto-immune disorders may not be so different from those needed to heal external conflicts as well, including breakdowns in social and political systems.
This isn’t, an answer to the question why so general
? This is aspirational philosophical goo.
“multi-agent dynamical systems theory” => you mean any theory that takes composite view of a larger system? Like Chemistry? Biology?Physics? Sociology? Economics? “Why so general” may as well be “why so uncommitted?”
I feel bayesian rationalism has basically missed the point of inference and immediately fallen into the regression to the mean trap of “the general answer to any question shouldn’t say anything in particular at all.”
Yeah, that’s a good call out, I do feel the meta is good obsession is borderline definitely cultish.
There’s a big difference between a committed scientists doing emperical work on specific mechanisms saying something like “wow, isn’t it cool how considering a broader perspective of how unrelated parts work together to create this newly discovered set of specifics?” and someone who is committed anti-institutional saying “see how by me taking your money and offering vague promises of immortal we are all enriched?”
It’s the same story as has ever been. “Smart People”'s position on anything is often informed by their current economic relationship wrt to the things they care about. And maybe even Yud isn’t super happy about his profession being co-opted. What scraps will he have if his own delusions became true about GPT zombies replacing “authentic voices”?
No one is immune to seeing a better take when it’s their shit on the line, and no is immune from being in a bubble without stake.
Oh absolutely! This is the entire delusion collapsing on itself.
Bro, if intelligence is, as the cult claims, fully contained self improvement, --you could never have mattered by definition–. If the system is closed, and you see the point of convergence up ahead… what does it even fucking matter?
This is why Pascal’s wager defeats all forms of maximal utilitarianism. Again, if the system is closed around a set of known alternatives, then yes. It doesn’t matter anymore. You don’t even need intelligence to do this. You can do with sticks and stones by imagining away all the other things.
It’s just looking for a God or an afterlife without turning to religion.
Yes. Because they sneered so hard at /other/ things creating and living in their own meaning, the sneer came full circle, and they find themselves in a simulated jail being sneered at by things that sneer at things that create and live in their own meaning.
Basically, they looked in the mirror and sneered.
I tend to agree. “No gods, no masters, no admins!” should never mean no assembly and no organization around constraints. Admins jobs isn’t just to be capricious. Admins are there to set a tone and maintain it. There are places for random group chats of noise but honestly, pruning, as in gardening, is how you maintain organization. It doesn’t feel great to be on the end of pruning but like seriously it should rarely be taken personally when we’re talking about something like social media.
A certain class of idealists definitely feel this way, and it’s why many decentralized efforts are fragile and fall apart. Because they can’t meaningfully construct something without centralization or owners, they end up just hiding these things under a blanket rather than acknowledging them as design elements that require an intentional specification.