It’s finally time to play Fallout: New Vegas.
I absolutely love projects like this. I feel like my class 1 Bosch ebike controller is really limiting what the rest of the hardware can do.
On a slightly-related note, I’d also love to replace the Bosch battery charger my bike uses for a DC-to-DC one. I’m usually charging my bike directly from a portable solar panel, and skipping the DC-to-AC-to-DC dance would make things much more efficient.
Living in Ohio, I’m amazed at the amount of intentional misinformation being slung at me about Issue 1 (a proposed amendment that would guarantee women the right to an abortion). It’s been a nonstop onslaught for months now, and I know it will only continue to get worse as we approach election day.
I can only hope that Issue 1 passes with a wide enough margin that it sends a message to these christofascist assholes.