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From another instance:

It looks like ncsoft’s attorney filed a trademark on Secrets of the Obscure in March using a shell company called Secret River Enterprises. It’s the same attorney that did other GW2 trademarks. They also did not prefix the trademark with "GUILD WARS 2: " like the other expansions.

TL;DR Seems legit.


Seems like Anet remembered why t1 legendaries were so popular. No bullshit required for that set, no raids, no WvW, no PvP. Maybe it’s just time and effort again.


Person: I’m hungry.

Cook: Here, eat shit.

Reducing things to a black-and-white level of complexity makes it easy to bash them, right? Idk lmao.

On a more serious note, too much of fractals and content in general is bloated with filler. Molten Furnace was fun until Anet decied that the endboss had to hide every 10 seconds and be invulnerable during the 50.000 animations. Why? What value does that add? Deepstone boss teleports as well, but he stays vulnerable and you have addtional light mechanics like floor restoration or CC/floor destruction. Molten Furnace is “walk 50 units that direction, attack 7 seconds, wait another 15 seconds”. That’s a time waster.

Same with the Deepstone “maze” room. A tenth of it would also have explained the mechanic. It does nothing but waste time.

Sunqua is a Walking Simulator with 20 hours of talk. What the actual fuck were they thinking? Cut out 90% of the distance and 100% of the talk and we’re starting to get somewhere.

Rushability (totally a word) is where it boils down if you do the same thing 25.000 times. No, it’s not fun standing there staring at the NPC waiting to be let through. No, it’s not fun standing there staring at the wall, or have a boss transist through 17 phases, all with a 25 second invuln animation. Fraenir has up to 30 seconds and it bores me out of my fucking mind. Someone should take away invulnerability from ArenaNet and see if they can create an encounter without that crutch. For fuck’s sake.

Here is the pattern: every Fractal has to take 20 minutes, being fast isn’t allowed. No, it’s not every Fractal, but next to all updates have lengthened the updated Fractal and made it more tedioues. That’s what makes Silent Surf so hilarious to me. Fucking hell, the Fractal was amazing at first glance. Fly around like bloody Spider-Man! And then: WHAM! 20 min boss wall to the face, because we can’t have shit that’s quick and enjoyable.

Let people have their popcorn content for God’s sake, why does everything has to be artificial pumped up to 20 minutes. And in the laziest way possible!


Liking the riddle room should be illegal.

Shattered, I imagine, is fast with a competent group. But watching people not using their skill to go directly to the last island or failing the bouncy ball to open the rift…ugh. Pugging is an adventure in itself I suppose, heh.

But fascinating to see people’s preferences. Cliffside being a drag because people fail the hammer mechanic is something I usually only see in sub4 tiers.


Our species isn’t inherently moral and is reeaaaaly bad at dealing with abstract problems or even dangers. Every other year the USA coups democratically elected leader to replace them with an autocratic dictator that turns his nation into yet another banana republic in exchange for power, and quite literally not a single fucking soul cares whatsoever at all. How much do you think people care about amoral pricing in video games or some CEO bringing the boot down on his unpaid internet bootlickers? Until we’re personally affected (at which point it’s usually too late), we’re pretty much fine with everything. And next to nobody is personally affected by fuck u/spez.


Get your weekly ASS. Two dailies easy dailies usually are fishing and gathering or vista, for some quick currencies.


The more I read about that “mini expansion”, the less thought-out it feels.

Also: not at release, not at release, not at release, not at release, not at release.

I predict a desaster.


Damn, already fell below pre-HoT levels again.


Casuals outnumber hardcores by several factors. That’s why content or even entire games targeted at hardcores never take off, while the mobile market makes unethical amounts of money. It’s so simple, yet players never tire of acting like it’s some unfathonable mythical secret of the cosmos.


Well damn, I’m in. I can even offer my solo guild, feel free to rename it and everything.

Either that or Anet finally allows a sixth slot.
