

IT jack of all trades. Licensed pillow fort architect.
I’m pretty sure this is a thing all over the world. There used to be quite a few job ads on fiverr and similar places for people to read text from various languages out loud. I wonder why?
Last time I looked (granted this was 7 or so years ago), it was pretty hard to find much, especially in English. Though German was worse, there were a few on-line retailers but because of (I’m guessing) copyright, they wouldn’t sell outside of Germany.
I’d love to find a good alternative to Amazon…
Fair enough, would love to read something like this :-)
Yeah, I’ve been into Linux for 20 years, sometimes a bit on/off, as an all-around-sysadmin in mainly Windows places. And learned just enough of Docker to use it instead of apt - which I’d prefer, but as you said, many newer services don’t exist in debian repos or as .deb packages, only docker or similar.
Follow-up question: do you have any good resources to start with for a simple overview on how we should be using containers? I’m not a developer, and from my experiences most documentation on the topic I’ve come across targets developers and devops people. As someone else mentioned, I use docker because it’s the way lots of things happen to be packaged - I’m more used to the Debian APT way of doing things.
It’s a dedicated server (a small Dell micro-pc). Thanks for the comment, I understand the logic, I was approaching it more from an end-user perspective of what’s easier to work with. Which given my skill set are LXC containers. I have a VM on top of Proxmox specifically for Docker :-)