The girl on the left looks angry!
I’m not really into the whole D/s scene and all that it entails but even I can recognize when something has the right setting to get me interested and this is one good example.
The girl is beautiful, the choker on her neck is complementing, her expression is beautiful as well but there is too much focus on the camera and not on what is happening. And those hands are all over the place!
If this is about D/s and her Dom is about to reward her, she should sit still, either looking straight in to her Dom’s eyes or looking down but fully receptive for receiving his orgasm, arms crossed behind her back, her back straigh.
If you are passing a fantasy, please, pass it well.
Deserves more.
Seeing it again, I think that is an office setting. So maybe the typical boss doing the secretary/intern/applicant for a promotion, instead of a D/s scene?
OP, this should be, at least, a weekly rally, to boost the morale of the warriors. For the glory of the Empire!
I provided myself with sustenance to face the rest of my work day… FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
This reminds of a joke.
You know where a 500kg gorilla sits?
Wherever he sees fit.
Are you willing to argue with him about it?