We can see from their Russian masters how an American invasion would take.
They’d try to grab and hold strategic areas and resources, while using missiles and aircraft to cripple the economy and infrastructure and spread fear nationwide.
However, we can remember that the US has tried to invade many other countries and they’ve failed every time. And while we may never have the tanks and aircraft to match them in open warfare, even much poorer countries than Canada were able to successfully repel the American forces.
And in this scenario we’d have a massive untamed border to use to make counter strikes, and would likely get significant military support from allies around the world and in the US as well.
So it would be monumentally devastating on both sides. It would be a catastrophically stupid endeavour. Which doesn’t rule it out, they have extremely stupid people in charge.
But personally I believe the US would descend into civil war before this happens, with “blue” states having suppressed voting rights trying to secede.
I’m on board for this but this proposal is up against a familiar devil: the network effect.
Shops support Visa and Mastercard because customers use them, customers use them because shops support them. This creates a powerful network that is extremely difficult for an upstart to unseat.
So while it’s a good idea to encourage people to take individual action on this — and you’re doing a great job doing so, and I’m taking it to heart for my own actions — we also need to accompany this with a policy solution to help overcome the network effect.
Read the news: they aren’t giving Canadians special treatment any longer. The awful way they’ve treated visitors from the rest of the world for decades is how they treat us now.
They don’t want us there. If you make a mistake they will literally put you in chains and detain you for weeks.
Just don’t go.
Some of them might be real people.
Scapegoating is an extremely successful technique. Instead of dealing with the complexities of the modern world, the supposed strong man can just give people easy and reassuring answers.
Americans problems are not because of unchecked capitalism and the wilful dismantling of the scientific, legal, economic, and political systems designed to help them. It’s because Canada, led by its Mexican Drug Cartels, are taking advantage of them.
Never mind that it’s patently stupid. Never mind that the system of getting access to our raw materials for cheap so they could process them in their countries and their industries was overwhelming as good for them as it was bad for us.
Never mind reality — what matters is that an easy answer was given. It’s not them, they don’t have to confront any harsh truths, or take any painful looks in the mirror, or have to step out of their comfort zone. The Americans were given the answer to their problems by their King, and that answer is Canada.
So the “strong man” strikes at Canada to show how tough they are. And to no one’s surprise, Canada doesn’t take it lying down. We stand up for ourselves and hit back — saying that surely when they see pain they will stop and reflect.
But no, they don’t. Because our hitting back justifies our already-established status as villain. How dare Canada threaten to levy energy exports, says the King. The Canadians have no decency.
And so, feeling the pain we caused, the Americans listen to their King, and they blame us because that is the easy answer. They don’t have to think, they don’t have to pause the sportsball game or the reality tv marathon. It was Canada all along.
So yes — there may be bots and such, but make no mistake that the vocal opposition to Canada will only grow inside America as the trade war escalates.
One of the first times I’ve ever believed anything he’s said.
Yes, lil PP, we know that you’d work against our treaty commitments, help burn the planet, and slash govt revenues in order to reward some oil execs.
They aren’t wrong to be concerned, this absolutely will wreak havoc on their business.
But also we cannot expect that their business in the US was poised to survive regardless. Theirs is the business the Americans are most specifically looking to move to their domestic manufacturing. Bombardier is fucked but they were fucked on November of last year.
So the question is not if we can keep their US contracts up, but what else they can be making with their facilities and workers. Crisis and change can be hard but it can be opportunity too.
Seize the reigns, Bombardier. You’ve got a good seat at the table and can contribute positively towards how we reshape our country’s industry and defence.
Reminder that Americans and their defenders in the CPC will tell you that she did something wrong, and why should she expect special treatment?
And indeed yes, the biggest difference now is that the horrid treatment that minorities have long face is applied to Canadians now. Even conventionally attractive white Canadians.
We liked the special treatment, but the regular treatment was never okay. We should have rejected the special treatment then but we were cowards and getting special treatment felt nice. You can save a few bucks on cheese, after all. The weather was nice.
Because anyone can make a mistake. Marooney did, but I make mistakes sometimes and you could too.
Don’t let this happen to you, do not choose to enter the United States.
“Our most challenging category to mitigate the threat of retaliatory tariffs is produce where in Canada, in the winter, we do not always have viable alternatives,”
I know it won’t happen overnight but let’s get some Mexican produce lined up for next winter. They are being hit by tariffs too.
And it’s also time for more hothouse produce. Stop exporting our energy to the enemy and use it here to feed ourselves.
Obligatory reminder that “no special treatment” means you get treated like a Haitian or Mexican or Muslim trying to enter the US. Yes, even a white Canadian.
In no way am i blaming the victim here, but we can learn a lesson from her experience: Don’t go.
You’re goddamn right I’m furious.
And no less furious at the weak-kneed Democrats who do nothing as their own country is ripped from them by a clown. “Oh sorry; we’ll try again in 4 years” they say. Fuck your thoughts and prayers, how about do something. You won’t get a free election in 4 years, dummies.
Oh yeah, I realize you’re super busy and with your sportsball games and your reality TV marathons. Your inaction today will haunt your future.
And no this isn’t a call to action or a cry for help. We’re going to be just fine. You’re the ones who have to live there, and live with yourselves knowing you did nothing.