ourtimewillcome [any, any]
we are all a product of our material conditions, which means that if society gets better people will to. this is what i tell me to motivate myself to do real-world organizing.
also, people in immigrant communities are usually pretty sweet.
perhaps non-theory works from communist authors, especially soviet ones like maxim gorky or demyan bedny. if they receive it well, you can slowly guide them towards the more political stuff and if they resort to racist russophobic or anticommunist screeching you’ll know to run before it’s to late.
americans will have reverted to the usual cop worship by then
der spiegel is one of main political magazines in germany. it was founded by a “former” wehrmacht radio operator and a british secret service agent and has been serving as a anticommunist propaganda rag ever since. i only linked it for the statistic.
im really sorry that i cant really help in terms of podcasts. though this channel has made videos on other european countries, as well as about the 1918 german revolution. his videos on west german zionism are really educational. hope that helps somewhat