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Yes that really sucks… I’m glad I’m a straight woman so I don’t have it as bad, I just don’t know how guys who have the same problem manage 🫤


Thanks it’s reassuring to know ! I mostly use steam, lutris and minigalaxy (better DLC management than lutris for gog games) so it will be nice if I can keep them 🙂 I didn’t know protontricks so thanks for the recommendation !


Using tldr to learn commands. It gives you the information you are probably looking for in the man page but it’s not buried among lines and lines and lines of arcane stuff and it’s formatted in a readable way with helpful examples. Saved my sanity more than once.

I’m not saying “don’t read the man pages”, they are great way to get a deeper understanding of commands. But when you are just wondering what a command does and how it’s commonly used, then a two lines summary + example is much more helpful than an essay going in minute details over everything.

Since it takes a lot less time than hunting the same info in the man page, you can run it before every command you are not familiar with, without too much hassle. Then if you want more info you can check the man page.


Well, it depends on what you want from your OS.

If you want games to work with as little bother as possible then a gaming distro might be a better option. The only distro I tried where games JUST WORK on their own is Nobara. They have lots of patches to make games actually work. If you want to play Windows games on steam then be sure to install It’s made by the same guy that makes ProtonGE, which you should definitely install if you want to play Windows games on steam, whatever your distro (if it’s not Nobara, you can use ProtonUp-Qt to avoid having to install it manually).

Some games just won’t run on any of the distros I tried except Nobara. I’m sure you could get them working fine on Arch or any other distro with some work… but that’s work. When it comes to gaming I don’t want to go in computer wizard mode, I just want to ride dinosaurs. (Yes I realize the irony of saying that after ditching Nobara on my gaming pc because I would rather have Arch with some games not working than Nobara with everything working)

Other than gaming I’d say it depends if you like being forced to do things yourself.

I’m a very lazy woman who switched from Windows 10 less than one year ago and tried several distro before ending up with Arch, and it is absolute heaven compared to Windows.

Lots of stuff don’t don’t work on my computer, but not because Arch is broken, I just haven’t got around to configuring them (lazy + adhd) or I tried but failed because I have no clue what I am doing (four months on Arch for a grand total of eight on linux, so that’s to be expected). But I prefer it that way. When I really need a feature it forces me to learn how stuff work, and that was the point of installing Arch instead of a distro that would do everything for me. I’ve learned a dozen times more in four months on Arch than in the same time on other distros. Or in 25+ years on Windows… I’ve still got a long way to go and there are lot of stuff that I can’t get working yet (looking at you Wayland portals >_<) but I really like it and I don’t think I’ll switch (though I’m very tempted to try Nix…).

It you do decide on Arch, please don’t listen to people who insist that you shouldn’t use the archinstall script because the only “right” way to install Arch is to do a manual install. They’re morons. The script is a great way to have a working Arch install quickly and easily, so you can actually use Arch and see if you like it. There’s a lot to be learned by doing a manual install, yes. But it’s ridiculous to ask people who really want to use Arch to keep using other distros for however long it takes them to learn enough to do a manual Arch install, when they could just use the script and do the same learning while using Arch. If you want to do a manual install go for it, but pressuring people into it is just stupid.


Oh I had no idea that was possible, thanks :D


I think Nobara is coded with some kind of black magic spells that probably required sacrifices of infants. It makes games actually work 😱


Oh I get that, just looking for someone has never worked for me either, it’s so much effort and so little chance of working out that I just can’t be bothered. The relationships I had were with people I met through common interests. Like an IRL meeting of an online RPG and stuff like that. It’s so much easier to get to know people when you already have things in common, you can skip most of the annoying parts. Wish I had a cat too, though !


Arch. It’s the only one I really liked out of all the distro I’ve tried, the others went from meh/not-my-thing to awful (really bad manjaro experince x_x). Except Nobara, it’s amazing for gaming EVERYTHING JUST WORKS. And I still ditched it after trying Arch… I should probably see a therapist. My ADHD: Nope, you need to try NixOS and sink even further into the madness (I’ve been resisting for nearly two months but it’s wearing me down, plz send help :/ )
