If you buy this property you’re going to be sitting there waiting for the day they send you a letter to tell you they’re expanding their mine onto your property.
That’s a level of uncertainty that I would not be comfortable with for my home. If it’s “recreation” property, like hunting land, then maybe I would feel differently.
Give me a break. Some millionaire’s wife is going to go to jail because of a PR stunt? I think not.
I have a homeassistant instance connected to a no-name Z-wave thermostat. It’s been flawless for almost 10 years.
“Could” LOL
Well, that’s horrifying yet unsurprising.
I don’t get the left’s insistence on arguing against the entirety of right winger’s arguments. There’s no evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, but that doesn’t mean they should have argued that there’s nothing to be concerned about with regard to election security. When you take a standpoint like that you end up with no credibility when something like this is revealed.
It happens on so many other topics:
Pastors may rape more children than drag queens, but that doesn’t mean there are no predators in our big tent.
Most people wouldn’t spike halloween candy with drugs, but I’ve met plenty of people who really get off on getting other people drunk/high beyond the point of reason.
A lot of people don’t actually share the ideals of the group they identify as part of, and the sooner we realize that the better off we’ll be.
Well, no shit. Who actually expected the Israelis to stop killing people?
He’s probably a free speech absolutist like Elon. i.e. Against censorship of ideas he likes, but in favor of censorship of speech he doesn’t.
Sure they will.
Does anyone believe this jackass’ promises anymore?