picklemeister [she/her]
the reverse Dullesification of the capital class and the MIC, these fools don’t make the kool aid but they do drink it by the gallon
the most persecuted demographic, well compensated professionals
i know it’s a little more complicated than a clean comparison on the exchange rate for a variety of reasons including collective negotiation but a quick and dirty search puts it at just over what you could expect to make in general service/labor positions so still targeting primarily professionals. it’s not golden parachute money but it’s definitely targeted at what capitalist economies call “skilled” labor
i mean the fact that Allen Dulles was one of the seven commissioners appointed to the Warren Commission should really say it all.
from “The Devil’s Chessboard” (very good read) four years before Dulles died:
That little Kennedy . . . he thought he was a god.”
The words were sharp and wrong, like a curse shattering the civility of the soft evening air. They seemed particularly strange coming from the genial older gentleman strolling by Willie Morris’s side. In fact, they were the only strident remarks that Morris had heard him utter in the past few days, as the graying spymaster regaled his young visitor with a lifetime of covert adventures.
And then the storm passed. The man was himself again—the chatty and amiable Allen Welsh Dulles, a man whose conviviality masked a world of dark secrets.
real pappy bush ‘deluded gunman’ shit, these guys never hid what they did
yes, this is where i sit. the Dulles brothers had made a life’s work out building an entire world order and they weren’t going to let some jumped up bootlegger’s son take it apart. even the milquetoast “maybe we shouldnt do interventionism and arms dealing everywhere” concept of a concept from Kennedy was enough to start the alarm bells ringing - actively pushing back against Dulles was, in the minds of the machine they’d built, absolutely unthinkable
that would have a lot more pull if europe didn’t benefit so much from the existing world order. the same reasons people give for why the us proletariat won’t commit to revolutionary change apply to europe (specifically western/northern europe) with regards to their relationship with the us. nato goading and cia color revolutioning to incite the russian smo has been used by the capital class on both sides of the atlantic to great effect in reaffirming this.
this is such a stupid timeline