
sicklemode [they/them]

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Most people wouldn’t let the first person they stop on the street sift through their camera roll. They want their achievements, failures, and little life moments to be kept sacred. So after a decade of airing our most intimate moments in public, the pendulum is shifting back. People are more selective with their communities and are reverting back to an old-school way of interacting. It’s hard to know how the change will affect the online atmosphere over the long term — some evidence suggests the shift will create a healthier digital experience, but it also risks further dividing people into like-minded echo chambers.

The collapsing of US state-affiliated social media platforms’ hegemony is finally upon us. They use these platforms for war (psychological warfare more than anything) and cheating, just like every other channel of influence, and working class people have had enough of being fucked over and manipulated, as well as being enslaved to doom scrolling. I’ve been patiently waiting for over a decade for this. Now, finally, people are pivoting back to high quality discourse and relationship building. We’re also increasingly seizing the means of communication (think Lemmy and other equivalents under the AGPLv3 license), which puts the control of culture firmly in our own hands.


I’ve been away a couple of days, did the federation happen?

Happened just yesterday, so you’re right on time. Grab a snack and enjoy the show 🤣


The holy center theory/horseshoe theory is so tired. These people have no actual solutions and don’t stand for anything at all.


Please censor that SA word with haste, otherwise your comment might be removed. Seen it happen here twice now.

Edit: Thank you for taking steps.


Can we get past the bullshit need to buy things from and sell shit to other people already? Make technology that actually fucking matters, that’s actually interesting and assists in national development, and frees up the common person’s schedule to engage in leisure, so we can all get the fuck on with our lives already?!

It’s boring as hell and annoying as fuck how commerce continues to chase after people and becoming an increasingly obstructive, invasive phenomenon. People don’t want their lives to be plagued with ads! Why do you think daytime television is on its deathbed (apart from being an endless sea of reality TV)? If we need something, we’ll fucking go looking for it.


007 spy shit, along with stuff like Mission Impossible and MacGyver being used to romanticize US imperialism and anti-communism.

There’s also Tomb Raider’s Lara Croft engaging in plunder of other nation’s indigenous artifacts and outright killing delicate, endangered wildlife.

There’s also the trend of rock, metal, and various other similar type bands showcasing nazi and white supremacist symbolism and rhetoric (Pantera’s lead singer comes to mind) (from nazi salutes to iron crosses (Lemmy’s guitar from Motorhead had these on them), to brown shirts and nazbol flags (Combichrist), to more subtle dogwhistles), stuff like confederate flags (Combichrist), and a few instances of members turning out to be perpetrators of SA (Tool’s lead singer), and even things like vulgar misogyny and anti-LGBTQ+ themes (also Combichrist).

There’s a lot of insidious far-right influences in a lot of shit, and it’s quite sad.


Are chuds aware they’re not the only ones who watch movies

What do they care? They want total hegemony of content that caters to and enforces their hostile, exclusive world view.


See, this is the kind of shit that radicalizes young people. Older generations just nonchalantly gambling their children and grandchildren’s futures and losing it, and then what? Often the responsibility is shifted to the ones who lost everything due to their greed and negligence.

Well, I bet their son will eventually be interested in a copy of Das Kaptial


Long enough to outlast your youth and the best years of your life, if you still are in the prime of it.
