If you’re willing to pay for an account I think you’ll find that most providers absolutely don’t mind selling you multiple accounts. If you don’t need separate accounts but just multiple addresses you can check out mailbox.org. In their standard plan you get 25 aliases and if you bring your own domain 50 more addresses for that domain.
I read a more in-depth analysis some time ago and a lot of them are just desperate people with financial or other problems, and becoming a Reichsbürger is more like a form of escapism from reality than something they really believe in. Imagine you have a crippling amount of debt and/or are about to be evicted for example, and then you read on some nutjob website that the state actually doesn’t exist so you don’t owe them anything and they have no authority to evict you, doesn’t that sound great? All your problems solved by just burning your German ID card and printing out a new one of some made-up country. Of course reality gets them eventually but psychologically it’s easier to bear for some people to believe that they’re the victim of a huge conspiracy rather than face the fact that they fucked up and are screwed.
It would help to know which country you’re in as you probably got your own online book stores. In Germany for example buecher.de, bol.de, hugendubel.de just to name the big ones all have it.
This is totally not advice but I thought it’s a bit funny and worth sharing: after I recently found out that you can borrow ebooks from your local library with a convenient app I started looking around a bit and it turns out you can sign up online with the Kansas City Public Library without any verification, you just need a madeup name and an existing Kansas City address (just pick a random house on Google Maps). I just checked and they have it both as ebook and audiobook, although there’s a long wait as it seems to be quite popular.
Long story short if you’re not in a hurry then in theory you could read it for free and America pays for it. ;)
Good luck! Remember that after fixing the plugins and serial number you gotta repeat from step 11 because as far as I understand it the DRM is removed during the copying from the device, not during the conversion to EPUB, but I might be wrong. Let us know how it worked out!