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I think you’re forgetting that the supernatural is but another theory, put forth by humans, to explain our existence. It doesn’t earn bonus points for being unobservable. I’ve seen 0 evidence supporting it, contrary to how many questions particle physics has solved.

I’ve simply stated that we can’t draw statistics about things for which we have no evidence - which you now seem to be agreeing with.

I’ve posited quite the opposite of this. If there are two opposing theories, with one substantiated and one not, then the substantiated one is more likely. For example: you wouldn’t say that a chicken’s offspring being implanted in an egg by cosmic rays is just as likely as the egg being fertilized before it was laid because the latter is substantiated while the former has yet to have any observable truth.

I’d say 99% is a completely fair probability as the ratio of something to nothing approaches infinity.

we don’t yet have evidence pertaining to any hypothesis for how it was created

I just gave you some? I don’t know about you, but humans being able to replicate the exact particle that originated matter is a profound bit of evidence towards the universe not being a product of some higher power to me.


They aren’t immeasurable. The reason you think I’m making a different argument to your point is that you’re asking for every negative proof. This is never going to provide an answer, as it would be a competition to dispel the imagination.

Hypotheses and positive proofs are slowly answering the question of why we’re here. We know that evolution is likely, DNA is irrefutable evidence. We know that it’s likely our known universe began with a singularity because of the background microwave radiation accelerating away from a point of origin. We know the field and corresponding particle that gave matter its properties from the particle acceleration tests by CERN.

It becomes a much different question when one is not only seeking answers that fit their beliefs.


Considering that the overwhelming majority of religions out there are creationists, yes we are.


The mere fact that humans are 1% removed from apes serves to undermine creationism in general.


Eh, we can prove that human DNA is 99% primate and that there was no great flood. Seems unlikely to me.


I completely agree that’s what this basically boils down too. ST was an interesting concept I read about once and only briefly recalled twice since. Nothing more. This could be a valid criticism of individuals putting more stock into the idea but for anyone else it’s a reach.

The belief system built around God affects me every single day of my life. I have family that are hardcore Christians that pester me about it regularly. Approximately half of the political ideologies being pushed in my country center around Christian dogma.

Honorable mentions: Foreign and domestic terrorism threat and future wars being incited.


BTW I did indeed remember something I missed. He made his studio a hostile work environment by abusing his employees and generally being a trashy person. His co-host supported the claims made by other employees in an interview, here’s the TL;DR (of the interview) I got from a reddit comment:

TL;DR: Crowder is a narcissistic and hypocritical bully. Included things like: screaming at Landau that he ‘owns him’ and that Landau ‘has no friends’, after Landau protested when Crowder changed his mind last minute after agreeing that he could have his comedian friend on. Having a ‘shut up’ light for Landau in studio. Crowder bitched about the Daily Wire term sheet’s clause about not being paid for days he didn’t do work (…) but gave Landau a clause that he’d be sent home without pay if he was 5 minutes late. Demanding that Landau’s family move even though he knew one member relied on their current job’s health insurance for a serious issue, imposing on his tour dates, and cutting the few seconds of the show where he’d pitch Landau’s tour from the contract the moment Landau got ‘too successful’ (saying that Landau now earned more than him, which Landau insists can’t be true).


He’s openly homophobic/transphobic. He refuses to debate his peers but sees nothing wrong with making his positions look artificially superior by choosing unprepared college students as his opponents, making up statistics to support his claims knowing that said opponents won’t have the data to disprove it off the top of their head, and simply editing out the times that his opponent does manage to correctly oppose his argument (allegedly).

Recently even his political constituents hate him after he whined at Daily Wire for, what he calls, treating him unfairly with a $50 million dollar contract. And to completely top off the shit-sandwich, there’s video evidence of him abusing his wife and she claims that he made physical threats.

Even after all that I’m sure I’m missing something lol


I’d say so

  • plucked from poverty and slavery, despite his mother remaining helpless, by a Jedi that was a part of an order that ultimately saw him as an unscrupulous means to an end of maintaining their power

  • he felt as though he could make a bigger difference than he was allowed if stated order relinquished their attempt at controlling him

  • this feeling was vindicated by his mother’s torture and subsequent death

  • had his previously instilled beliefs challenged by two men he respected

  • incredibly strong motivation to go against the Jedi’s wishes to save the one person he valued more than life itself


JFC that joke went over my head like a B-2. Whoops 🤦

Edit: I deserve that downvote for not getting the joke lol
