Thanks for posting this. My wife and I would have waited until Thursday to watch it if I hadn’t seen this here.
Yup! Came for the Star Trek, staying for a whole Lotta good stuff.
Welcome! Star Trek awaits you
Pigs CAN fly then?
Really great stuff OP. I love stuff that’s repetitive, but builds in intensity as it goes. Really great. Thanks for sharing
Came in to go to bed and I saw this article. I saw 3 separate shooting stars tonight and had no idea there was something happening. So cool, and so lucky I was outside tonight.
Seems to me a lot of people here pretty hostile to Joe. I can only say he has been more than open and interacted with good faith with guests that I listen to than anyone in “media”. His talk with Bernie Sanders and his agreement with certain aspects of Sanders agenda should dismiss the claim that he’s a libertarian shill. I try to approach him as a topic in good faith as well.
He’s being called a neandertal because he seems to agree with a lot of fringe opinions. I try to think of how I would react if talking to a person who I have no idea about their area of expertise and how I would deal with claims that they make. Sure he gives a voice to cranks, but he also gives voice to people across the spectrum, some that I actually want other people to hear from. That’s kind of what free speech is about right there.