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4 bay nas 22tb drives = 88tb as a single volume. Backed up to offline single storage drives that are timestamped. Anything newer than that timestamp gets rsynced/robocopied to a new drive until it’s full., update timestamp, swap drive and rinse repeat. If a drive fails, just replace it and copy the contents of the backup drives to master and restored. Alternatively you can set a single disk tolerance raid.


06:30-02:30 (note the 0!) means 6:30 am to 2:30 am the following day. Anything in pm would be +12 hours. 6:30 pm becomes 18:30; 2:30pm is 14:30. Using this format you want 06:30-14:30 which is 8 hours.

This format is important because it actually solves the problem you are trying to explain (am/pm). Regularly I need to give EST database timestamps for a PST server cluster while living in another timezone myself and speaking to someone in India which is :30min difference in time zones and trying to account for daylight savings. Removing am/pm just makes it easier to track what happens in different places without looking at the wrong time window. Time math is messy and stupid, be specific by using 24 hours instead of 12

Edit: I guess no one works in timestamps, keep on being terrible for the rest of us.

Edit 2: if you don’t understand how time works, reconsider your opinion. Spreading misinformation is damaging


Just the latest offenders, but please look at the size of this database: https://www.bishop-accountability.org/accused/

A common way of manipulating people is to deny them parts of being human. Be wary of any organization that tries to control your food or sex. Fasting and abstinence are massive red flags that the organization is toxic.


Dogs do what their owners do, if the owners a choncc, their dogs a choncc. Not to mention that dogs usually have the same food habits their owners do (open bowl, larger servings, sharing unhealthy people food)


This is a complicated problem but the answer is likely ~socialism. The scenario you presenting is fix forward and try to retain the current economic status quo, which is imbalanced and rewards power and exploitation. We really should be living in a world where basic needs are guaranteed for everyone by a regulated market with multiple stakeholders keeping the process honest. Giving a single entity power generally doesn’t last longer than a generation or two.


I have yet to hear about bitwarden getting pwned

Honestly this is the part that scares me the most. Well maybe it’s the fact we have multiple plausible scenarios… What happens when you get locked out of bitwarden? I imagine the 256 randomized salted hash passwords will be hard to call, some companies will likely be able to restore your password via phone support. During that time, informed attackers will potentially have the master keys to your entire life. Fighting ai chatbots trying to recall security questions. During that time your phone and Internet service could be shut off, secondary emails changed and validated, money transferred out of bank accounts, stocks and crypto sold. Crowdstrike was a valuable security company.


Rooted from “plenty of fish in the sea” and fishings “catch and release” fishing. It’s common to have maximum catch limits while fishing, so you will release fish back into the water if you do not intend to keep it. A catch is anyone that you intend to hang onto, or state steadily. This user is saying they are valuable to date.


This is not healthy advice, but I take 3 Tylenol pm( no acetaminophen) ~2.5h before bed (over the years it’s increased, and needed to start much earlier and I’m quite tall) melatonin ~1h before bed and start my nightly routine. By the time the sleepy pills kick in, you are out. Plan for either 6 or 8 hours to align with rem sleep cycle and be sure to get out of bed asap in the morning and be sure to replace fluids. When I regulated my sleep schedule, I was able to significantly better manage my life. I wish you luck.

Edit: buy the one without acetaminophen, I guess I wasn’t clear on that? Benadryl has the active sleep ingredient
