We Avoid Temptation But It Keeps Finding Us
Did you go into the settings and check for an update?
I’ve usually had them pop up but over the years across a few phones I think I’ve had to manually check a few times.
Watch out for yellow-spotted lizards
I didn’t expect the Pixel 9’s Studio app to help this much my new home
Who approved that headline Jesus christ
In this case I’ll admit to not reading the article but I have no real desire to read any article with a headline like that lol
It’s not perfect but depending on the accuracy of their data source it might be a decent replacement for my normal weather app. It’s not gonna replace [Wx] (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=joshuatee.wx), (Play store link, but it’s on Fdroid too), but it’s not bad tbh.
Too late for me. It’s been fine so far, but I’m also not really using anything new.
My very not-legal-advice, probably missing details summary is that the way the Farm Bill was originally written was to outlaw hemp-derived Delta-9 THC over 0.3% by weight. So long as the total amount of D9 THC derived from otherwise legal hemp in anything is less than 0.3% by total weight of the product, it’s legal. In order to stay under that limit, all you need to do is make sure your 5mg gummy weighs more than ~167mg or so, which isn’t difficult.