I’m going to assume you’re in a country where they have the self checkout things which have a ‘bagging area’ of some sort wit a scale under it?
In the Netherlands we have selfcheckout without this weighing. You walk into the store, grab a handscanner, and as you walk through the store you can pick something up, scan it, put it in your own bag and continue. When you get yo the register, you scan some barcode on the screen of the register woth your scanner, touch your nfc bank card to the terminal, and walk out. No need to take anything out of your bag.
Sometimes they do random checks, then some employee comes over and scans a few items from your bag. But you can just let it be their problem. They’ll usually put the stuff they’ve taken out back in again aswell.
Personally I’ve been very happy with time4vps dot eu. I’ve used it for a few years untill I finally started using my own hardware. Their support is (was) super quick and helpfull and just generally friendly. At the time they were quite cheap as well.
Nice, great step! Just in case: did you check if you have any forgotten “log in with facebook” linked applications? You might want to check them to see if you have configured an alternative login. If you’re not sure, I very strongly advise you to undo the delete while it is still possible, and go into settings to check for this. When you’re sure you’re all good, you can just delete the account again.
Thank you, that’s actually the most clear answer i’ve come across. This gives me a follow up question, just to check if I understand correctly. Never trust the client asside, if an url blocked by canMatch, itwill not actually call the server then, right? Let’s say I have a page /count, which if requested runs some code on the server that increments a counter. If /count is blocked by canMatch, it wont request the page, so the counter is not updated? While canActivate would actully request the page and update the counter. Is this right?
Even general advice on installing apt (or the like) extension-like packages on bazzite is appriciated, even if it’s not directly related to this specific use case or to podman.