Hah, okay. That’s pretty cool. If people are going to be writing farming bots anyway, one might as well make it the formal objective.
Presumably, the IRS would only know about them if, you know, they pay their taxes.
“Oh no. Our automatic door seems to have suffered a unfortunate malfunction while you were trying to leave the premises.”
Apparently, slashing their budgets to the tune of $660 million, will:
“…strengthen the food system for schools and childcare institutions…”
Do you guys think they realize just how full of shit they sound?
So let me get this straight: He’s against vaccines, but in favor of administering steroids to children? Okay, relax Satan.
Somehow I don’t think that’ll draw in customers.
Yes, clearly solar power has no place on a continent spanning the equator that happens to have nine deserts. That’s crazy talk. /s
The MMR vaccine is the sixth most common global immunization. I’m sure they could find some additional doses if they tried just a little.
Yes. My point wasn’t that “they’re not illegal immigrants because they pay their taxes”, but that - of all the immigrants one could have - the ones that do pay taxes, while getting nothing in return for it are surely even more profitable for a state than actual citizens which can and do make use of public services.
For me it’s not even about gender identity or role playing. If I’m going to spend 200 hours in a 3rd person RPG looking at a character’s ass, that ass had better be female.