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Genuine question, was airport security not tightened up worldwide after 9/11? I remember as a kid I would go through security quickly and be able to have someone at the gate waiting for me. That was never a thing after 9/11. Did the rest of the world not also have these changes? I guess for me I’m an extreme case because I live in NYC. I have no clue how it affected people across the country even, let alone in other countries. In my defense I was only 7 at the time.


For some people it’s not that simple. Some folks aren’t technical enough to spin up an instance of any software. Other people have specific accessibility needs that may not be covered by any remaining options.


Need more info before I accept or not. Does time IRL freeze? Or do I miss a year of real life time?

If I miss a year then nah because that’s logistical nightmares and a LOT of explaining. Plus all my stuff would probably be lost if I stop paying rent because I’m non existent for a year, including legal documents etc.

If IRL time stops though, yeah I’d take it. Last played Ensemble Stars which is a game about idols. So the world they live in is more or less just normal modern day Earth.

Anyway I need to know the situation with IRL while I’m gone, OP.

I would not take the further deals because I’m disabled for the first one, and because I have people and things I like IRL for the second.


I get super lost in them. Honestly even if it isn’t open world, if it’s still a 3d overworld, I will get lost. I think what saves me is helpful accessibility features like in Xenoblade 3 for example, with the glowing red line on the ground leading you toward your destination. It won’t clear your obstacles for you but it will help you orient yourself and not get super lost. I would never get through a game like that without that feature. Anything less is honestly not sufficient for me to not get lost, unfortunately. I do try to play other games but I will absolutely be lost for ages in them.


All clothes should be accepted based on functionality and practicality regardless of gender.


It’s been a hot minute since I’ve been on one of those apps but do they not just ask for your birthday and simply calculate your age…? Surely dating apps don’t require you to update your age manually every year right…

I guess if you’re not using an app then sure but you could just as well tell your birth year and if it’s close enough it’s probably fine. 🤷


I am an admin on another wiki that used to be on Gamepedia before the Fandom buyout. We forked immediately. I have also been self hosting a wiki for another game since early 2017. Completely worth it. Fandom has always had terrible user experience, and frankly they do not care about their users at all. Maybe their community-level staff do, but definitely not the higher ups. I’ve chatted with them directly when we were planning to fork. They’re only in it for the money, not for the good of the editors or readers. They make ridiculous changes that are great for advertisers but completely subvert the user experience and actual content on the page. They’ve also let go a lot of their staff for nonsensical reasons. I really hope the Minecraft wiki goes through with the fork, and that more and more wikis follow. It’s absurd how much of a monopoly they have, given how awful their service is. I for one will be happy to visit the Minecraft wiki again, as someone who plays occasionally, but not often enough to be keeping tabs on all the new features and updates. But I boycott Fandom wikis on principle so I haven’t been there in years.


I don’t really enjoy these activities on their own, but I do enjoy some activities that I can do in conjunction. Listening to music or podcasts can be done at the same time as almost any workout. If you are working out at home, you could even watch tv or something. I enjoy being able to play a game or browse the web on my phone if I’m using a stationary bike. Basically what makes it tolerable for me is what I can do at the same time.


I forgot that giving awards gave the recipient premium. I’m gonna have to use my old coin stockpile then… Hopefully on accounts that don’t have premium but are active, to hit reddit in the wallet. 🤔


I don’t want to jump to conclusions in either direction but it’s entirely possible that people may not be speaking out because it may upset people who could potentially choose to cast them (or not) in future roles.
