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Free anal porn vids and gifs.


1. All things anal

  • All things anal. If it goes in an ass, it belongs here.

2. Showing your butthole is NOT ANAL

  • Showing only your ass/butthole without visible penetration is not allowed

3. No sub flooding

  • No sub flooding. Maximum 3 links/24h allowed.

  • (we will ignore this rule as we build out the sub)

4. No Upvote bait titles.

  • Titles that are baiting and spammy are not allowed.

  • Do not solicit upvotes, comments, PMs, subscriptions, trades or follows.

5. No Spam or blatant self promotion

  • This sub is about sharing what we like and not promoting your content to gain money.

6. No massive watermarks allowed

  • No massive watermarks with domains, snapchat, kik, instagram, onlyfans, porhub username.

  • You may add a small watermark

7. This community is mostly for straight porn

8. No Underage Content

  • No underage content. All people depicted must be over 18 yo.

  • Posting underage content will get you banned

9. Nonconstructive comments will be removed

  • Nonconstructive comments will be removed - We’re here to look at nice pictures. We don’t care if you think someone doesn’t meet your personal standard of beauty or whatever else. If you criticize users about their looks or body, expect to be banned.

10. Zero tolerance for trolls

  • There is zero tolerance for trolls, assholes, unsolicited bots, deliberately off-topic content, or novelty accounts. If you are any of these, and act as such, or encourage any of the above or any other violations, you will be banned.


Community stats

  • 734

    Monthly active users

  • 537


  • 335


Lemmy NSFW

If there’s content from communities you don’t want to see, then switch your default view type to Subscribed. You can also block the communities you don’t wish to interact with at all. Also for finding communities combining those existing in the fediverse as well as within this instance, use


Before you start participating, please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our rules:

  1. (Rule One) 🔞 Age Requirement: All users and lurkers MUST be age 18 or over.
  • a. Posting content involving any person who is under 18 is strictly forbidden. This includes real, drawn, and fictional content.
  • b. All loli/shota/cub or similar content is strictly forbidden.
  1. (Rule Two) Respect and Consent: Treat all members with respect and obtain consent when sharing explicit content involving others. No doxxing. No soliciting or sharing personal info. No homophobia, transphobia, body shaming, or kinkshaming. Don’t be an asshole.

  2. (Rule Three) No NSFL/Gore/Snuff Content: We strictly forbid the sharing or promotion of NSFL (Not Safe For Life) or gore content. This includes fictional snuff scenarios.

  3. (Rule Four) No Bestiality/Zoophilia: We strictly forbid any NSFW content involving animals.

  4. (Rule Five) No Non-Consensual Content: We strictly forbid content made or released without consent of everyone in the content, including revenge porn / deepfakes / leaked content / NC / true voyeur / rape content.

  5. (Rule Six) No Illegal Content: - We strictly forbid promotion and detailed discussion of things that are broadly illegal in most of the world, like murder, animal cruelty, money laundering, and so on. Our policy on mind-altering substances is more complicated – see the FAQ (its in the table of contents to the right).

  • a. Solicitation of sexual services (either way, asking or offering) is strictly forbidden. (why?)
  1. (Rule Seven) NSFW Flag: All NSFW communities and posts must be flagged as NSFW.

  2. (Rule Eight) No Rules Lawyering: Admin decisions are final and arguing with them can result in a suspension or banning of your account and removal of your content. (if you feel a community is not being sufficiently moderated or properly following these guidelines, please contact an admin.)

  3. (Rule Nine) Don’t Spam Posts: Please only post a few posts to a community at a time. You may mean well by posting several posts at once, but because of lemmy’s limited algorithms this will saturate the feeds of many people on this instance and other instances.

  • What is considered spamming will be left up to the admins/mods, but if you’ve made more than 10 posts at a time in a single community, consider waiting until a later time to continue posting to that community.

  • Please limit cross posting the same image to 5 times or less

  • Spamming may result in a 1 day or longer community or sitewide ban depending on the severity and if it’s a repeated offense.

If any material is ambiguous or borderline forbidden content, we’re usually going to err on the side of caution. Please use your common sense.

This is a condensed form of our rules. If you want to read further discussion into the rules above, our reasonings behind our decisions, general knowledge about the instance and things generally our team would like you to know please click here to visit our docs page.

All users and communities must follow and respect these general instance-wide rules. Any violations could result in suspension or banning of your account or community and purging of your content.

Community Guidelines
  1. Stay Relevant: Share relevant content in the relevant communities and ensure your content complies with the rules of those communities.

  2. Self-Promotion: Self-Promotion is only okay as long as the community you are posting in allows it, and you don’t spam it.

  3. Content Sourcing - We would strongly prefer all content be credited and sourced if possible, to make it easier to keep CSAM and noncon off of the instance. See the FAQ for more info.

  4. Furry Content - Furry content is allowed (unless it conflicts with any other rules) but furries may be better served at or

Temporary Rules

Because of technical limitations of the Lemmy platform, we are forced to implement some restrictions on content. These are restrictions that don’t necessarily fit with our larger philosophy. We hope to revise this section once Lemmy evolves as a platform and moderation tools improve.

  1. NSFW User Avatar: NSFW user avatars are prohibited as it is currently not possible to mark users as NSFW. NSFW user banners are also prohibited.

  2. Temporary Content Restrictions: The following content is temporarily restricted: Hot lunch (🤮), blood, scat, CNC.

If you are the admin of another instance and you have any issues with Lemmy NSFW please raise it with one of our admins so we can communicate on how we can improve this instance. We would prefer to work with you before either of us consider defederation.


Matrix public operations room (SFW only):
