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Bünzli isch im Schwiizerdütsch e Bezeichnig für e geistig unbeweglichi, chlykariert dänkendi und uhuere gsellschaftskonformi Person. Da hets Platz fürs Bünzlitum, überschwänglichi Vaterlandsliebi und e gehörigi Portion Sälbschtironie.


  • Sind lieb zunenad - Merci
  • Kei Wärbig oder Kommentär späme
  • Nüt da mit rassistisch sii, antisemistisch oder irgend en anderi form vo Fanatismus - chömmer nöd bruche
  • Hebet en schöne!

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 55


  • 59




A lemmy instance linked in the Fediverse, can host multiple communities and share them with other federated instances through ActivityPub.

Only a active community is an interesting one, so have fun and discuss stuff!


  • Respect each other - Merci
  • No ads, selling stuff or spamming comments
  • No racism, sexism, antisemitism or any form of bigotry
  • Have fun

Please keep your posts and comments in english, with the exception communities which are labeled to be in an other language. So everyone can enjoy the community.

Want to find some new interesting communities: Try the feddit.de community browser

feddit.ch now also has a public matrix space on matrix.org

Server-Location: Zurich, Switzerland
