Ensemble Stars!!


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A fanmade community about the mobile rhythm gacha game Ensemble Stars!! English server PC version now in beta!

Feel free to post anything related to Ensemble Stars!! here—questions, fan-made content, discussions, or anything else you can think of, as long as you follow the rules below.

We also have a general Enstars discord server run by the mods of this community, fully equipped with a channel for multilives, channels for questions and help for newer players, and even voice channels for streaming! Everyone is welcome to join! All we ask is that you read and follow our rules to ensure a safe and fun experience for everyone☆ Click here to join!


  • Be respectful. - While we highly encourage discussion, please be mindful of the fact that, despite not seeing them face-to face, you are still interacting with human beings. Be civil and respect everyone’s thoughts. We want this to be a safe place! Any comments and posts that are disrespectful or clearly inflammatory will be removed.

  • Posts must be related to Ensemble Stars!! - This should be self-explanatory, but please stay on topic and don’t post anything not related to the franchise.

  • No promoting of piracy. - Please be mindful of the Content Usage Guidelines on the Ensemble Stars!! official website, particularly the rules regarding MVs and SPPs. We absolutely do not condone piracty in any form; this means that anything that is distributed for free that normally must be paid for is not allowed. Any posts and comments that ask for, link to, or refer sites for illegal downloads will be removed. We’re here to have fun, not to get into legal trouble!

  • Always credit the original creators. - We do not condone plagiarism. If you are not the original creator of whatever you are posting, you must credit the creator with a link to the original post, or it will be removed.

  • No duplicate threads or posts - To reduce clutter and spam, please do not make duplicate posts. Any duplicate threads will be removed. You can use the search function to look through all relevant threads and posts. If you are reacting to a reccurent bug or an announcement, please reply to the original post instead of making your own. Don’t spam threads back to back; low-effort posts will be removed.

  • Do not share or ask for private information. - Selling or sharing accounts is prohibited. Any post offering “services” against access to one’s account will be removed. Please be very careful of your private informations! This could easily become an issue beyond what HE can do to help you.

  • Try to keep content safe for work. Use your best judgement, and tag your post as NSFW if it does fall in that category. Hardcore explicit NSFW is not allowed – this tag should be used in cases where it may be suggestive content that you may not want your parent/teacher/boss to see, but isn’t explicit.

  • Please avoid the following Topics to Avoid

Topics To Avoid

Sometimes content may be so popular on this community that they toe the line between funny and overused. Sometimes there is content that will cause drama whenever it gets posted. If you post any of the following content, your post may be removed to keep this subreddit fresh and wholesome.

Posts that cause toxic comments

  • Complaining about toxic fan behaviour. Conflict or drama between users, especially those on a different platform, does not merit discussion here.
  • Pile-on Negativity. This encompasses threads such as “Unpopular opinions” and “What I don’t like about [unit/character]”. Let’s be considerate to the fans of characters and units that you may not be the fondest of.
  • Ranking Characters/Songs/Units. There are different strokes for different folks. Your opinion is not representative of the entire fandom. No one needs to know how you specifically rank them.
  • Problematic and triggering content. This community is meant to be a safe space to share informations and help each other. Please remember not everyone is comfortable with overly dark humour or triggering matters, even if it’s about fictional characters.

Posts that are repetitive

  • Generic Questions. This includes questions like “Who is your favourite character/unit/song?” There is a multitude of posts already asking such questions. Please contribute your response to these threads instead.
  • Images created in generators. Including but not limited to Tiermaker and avatar/character generators.

Posts that are low-effort

  • Tier Lists. It does not take a lot of effort to drag and drop 49 characters into a few tiers. There are other ways to present your thoughts on why and how a group of characters belong in a particular category.
  • AI-Generated Content. AIs are often created from source material that were sourced without permission from the original creators. Creating ‘content’ with AI tools also does not involve as much effort as creating it all on your own. We want this subreddit to be a place where original works and effort are celebrated.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 1


  • 0


Community moderators


Blåhaj Lemmy

Blåhaj Lemmy is brought to you by the kind folk at Blåhaj Zone, and while anyone is free to register for an account here, please bear in mind that this is a server that is very protective of our minority members and bigotry of any variety will be squashed with great prejudice.

We have three alternative lemmy frontends

We have a public matrix channel for all Blahaj users at #blahaj:chat.blahaj.zone

We also have a matrix channel for gender diverse folk and our allies! If you’re already a matrix user, you can head straight to our application room https://matrix.to/#/#gv-apply:chat.blahaj.zone, or by searching for #gv-apply:chat.blahaj.zone from within your matrix client.

If you’re new to matrix, you can find some more details and an instruction video on how to get up and running here https://chat.blahaj.zone/c/genderverse/

Community Guidelines

Blåhaj Lemmy is a space where everyone should feel able to participate safely, and to that end, our community is built on the guiding philosophies of empathy, inclusion and acceptance.


We want our community members to be guided by compassion and empathy for others.

Examples of behaviour that are contrary to this philosophy are personal attacks, insults, doxing etc. If your comment is designed to hurt someone, this isn’t the space for it.

Inclusion and Acceptance

Embracing inclusion and acceptance means listening when people tell you who they are and what their needs are. It means not telling people that you know their experiences better than they do. It means not gatekeeping experiences of identities of others. It means no bigotry such as racism, sexism, anti LGBT commentary, ableism etc. It means doing your best to ensure that you don’t over-talk the voices of folk who don’t share your privileges.

Supporting Blåhaj Lemmy

After much hesitation, we have a Ko Fi to enable people to help with supporting some of the running costs associated with our instances.

Providing a safe space for our community is the goal, so please only consider donating if you are in a position to do so without any financial stress.

Mascot and logo

Find out about our mascot Shonky (they/them) who appears on our site logo here.