Ye Power Trippin' Bastards


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This is a community in the spirit of “Am I The Asshole” where people can post their own bans from lemmy or reddit or whatever and get some feedback from others whether the ban was justified or not.

Sometimes one just wants to be able to challenge the arguments some mod made and this could be the place for that.


  • Post only about bans or other sanctions from mod(s).
  • Provide the cause of the sanction (e.g. the text of the comment).
  • Provide the reason given by the mods for the sanction.
  • Don’t use private communications to prove your point. We can’t verify them and they can be faked easily.
  • Don’t deobfuscate mod names from the modlog with admin powers.
  • Don’t harass mods or brigade comms. Don’t word your posts in a way that would trigger such harassment and brigades.

Expect to receive feedback about your posts, they might even be negative.

Make sure you follow this instance’s code of conduct. In other words we won’t allow bellyaching about being sanctioned for hate speech or bigotry.

Relevant comms

Community stats

  • 108

    Monthly active users

  • 9


  • 51


Community moderators


Divisions by zero

Communities about Anarchism, Generative AI, Copylefts, Neurodivergence, Filesharing, and Free Software.

Follow the Anarchist Code of Conduct

Don’t be shitty to each other. Keep it SFW. Obey the spirit of the rules. Fuck around and find out.

👶 New to lemmy? Start here and here

Please help cover server costs

Ko-fi Liberapay

This instance provides a wiki service which only users of this lemmy can use. If you want a wiki for your community or your account or whatever, feel free to use it

This instance currently allows new community creation, however the following subjects are explicitly not allowed as communities.

  • Nothing positive or promoting cryptocurrency, blockchain or NFTs
  • Nothing extreme-right-wing. This includes conspiracy theories, SovCit, Pro-Police, AnCaps etc. We’ll know it when I see it, don’t test us!
  • No anti-science topics.
  • No Tankie shit.
  • No TERFs.
  • No Porn.

Preferably you’ll stay within the topics endorsed by this instance (see first line)

Note that you are expected to attempt to create an active community and not just squat on a name. Inactive communities will be purged after receiving a warning.

Find us on Matrix and regale us with your tales of adventure!

When going to other communities, respect their rules AND our rules when they are more restrictive. Do not give cause for others to de-federate our instance please.

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