Funny how many -isms come out in the media every time people don’t agree with the establishment line.
Are you actually suggesting that calling her the N-word is simply disagreeing with the establishment line?
Funny how many -isms -ists come out
in the media
every time people don’t agree with the establishment line.
Edit: I realized I wasn’t very clear.
I will ask you what I asked the person you are agreeing with here: Is calling Kamala Harris the N-word just not agreeing with “the establishment line?” Because that’s what this is about.
When the headlines are about random maga types being quoted calling her “little whore” and n-words - it’s clear that yeah, the -isms are indeed out and about, the media is just reporting it.
The reality cannot be denied, they aren’t deep faking the clips.
The maga crowd dosnt counter her policies, her voting record, her career, her speech, her age, her cognitive function
They go after what she was born with and what that crowd has been indoctrinated to hate.
That’s where the ism’s come from.
That legitimate debate is impossible while the media is hyper-focused on everything but. That’s exactly why reporting on racism exploded after occupy came dangerously close to threatening the banker’s cartel.
Neolibs don’t want to think any more than the MAGA cult. Yeah, it’s the fault of mass media. But, the last thing they want to hear while running in fear of Trump is that they’re a bigger obstacle to progress than Trump. They won’t even accept it from MLK Jr’s letter from Birmingham jail.