For context, it’s the elite media types who are pushing for some sort of contested convention — not the bulk of the Democratic voters.

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-70 points

Nothing says fair, open, and transparent democracy like party insiders choosing the next candidate in a well organized cascade lasting 48 hours…

Edit you know im just gonna edit to say it here.

None of you feel powerless here? You dont feel lied to because the DNC forced Biden on us in 2020 with the rationale he’s the only one who can beat trump. They rushed through a lame duck primary giving no other candidates play because he’s the only one who can beat trump.

Four years theyve been saying he’s sharp as a tack you just dont know him like we do. Now it turns out he cant beat trump so they just shove californias top cop in his place transfer his delegates and force kamala on us.

Am I the only one which things the emperor has no clothes or what

29 points

Were you born yesterday? This is the whole game. If you get frustrated and don’t vote you get fucked harder. The only winning strategy is to keep voting against fascism and then after the election you go protest and raise hell so we can have a more fair primary, or God forbid we can get rid of first past the post voting.

25 points

Bro what are you even on?

-20 points

I know everyone is rushing show unity and thats understandable but I’m having a reasonable " but I didnt vote for you" moment.

I guess im bummed that the US is a full fledged oligarchy and nobody gives a shit.

23 points

She was literally elected Vice President by millions of people. If you voted for Biden, you already elected her to be one heartbeat away from the presidency.

There have been only 49 Vice Presidents in US history. She is closer to the presidency than any other eligible Democrat.

19 points
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4 points

Most people didn’t vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. Hell, there weren’t even really any other candidates that were still running in the primary in my state.

I don’t like the situation we’re in any more than the next person… but that didn’t start recently. The presidential election is a staying action, not a political shift. That’s going to take a hell of a lot more than one person, no matter how many times they’re called “the most powerful person in the world”.

-7 points

I’m with you.

12 points

Not sure what you think the DNC was expected to do. Biden didn’t want to step down. What, is the party supposed to run in opposition to the sitting president? Not going to fucking happen. As long as he wanted to stay in the race, he was going to get the nomination, even with his polling numbers looking increasingly bad.

So now, he finally gets convinced to step down, and it’s only like a week and a half before the convention vote. What, you expect them to run a whole new primary?

I get that you’re frustrated, but the DNC isn’t the bad guy here. Let me reiterate that: as someone who caucused for Bernie Sanders in 2016, and was incredibly angry about what the DNC did to him, I am saying that the DNC isn’t the bad guy here.

If the DNC had gone against Biden, “Turmoil Within The Democratic Party” would be the headline on every single news organization’s chyrons for weeks. They figured that going with the weak candidate would be better than blowing everything up by picking a fight before the election. They were not wrong. As long as Biden decided to remain in the race, the best thing for them to do was to support him.

so they just shove californias top cop in his place transfer his delegates and force kamala on us

Biden endorsed Harris, you dummy. She wasn’t some random nobody that the DNC just foisted onto the country. She’s the fucking VP. With the fact that it was late in the election cycle (way too late for a primary), added to the fact that she’s able to take credit for all of Biden’s accomplishments (because she is the VP), added to the fact that all of the funds raised for the Biden / Harris campaign can now be used by Harris, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT THE DNC TO DO???

Seriously, I don’t understand why your ass is chapped in the first place, nor do I understand why you think it’s somehow the DNC’s fault.

-5 points

Find a Democratic solution maybe? Run an actual primary with debates in the first place? An open convention? Allow challengers on the ballet consistently? Not work behind the scenes to push Biden on everyone in 2020 and beyond.

If you dont understand why someone is disillusioned with the “choices” in this upcoming election you have bigger problems than all that impotent rage on display in your reply.

Tired of shills and sycophants crying about optics and putting these power hungry parties above values and real issues. Average Americans have to choose between paying rent and eating. Cant afford a doctor. Have to work 3 jobs constantly worrying about the future of the planet.

If dems want to win they have to win on issues. Blue no matter who may be popular with you, but it doesn’t resonate with the general public, leftists, people who cant make ends meet. Dont let your fear let you lose sight of the issues.

12 points

What the fuck are you even talking about, man? Did the DNC “run an actual primary with debates” in 2012, when Obama was the incumbent? Did they run “an open convention”? Did they “allow challengers on the ballot consistently”, whatever the fuck that means?

Or did they accept that he was the fucking incumbent, and rally behind him? If you’re unsure, let me clear it up for you: they rallied behind him because he was the fucking incumbent.

The same exact thing happened with Joe Biden. That’s not party corruption. That’s just the way it fucking works.

If you dont understand why someone is disillusioned with the “choices” in this upcoming election you have bigger problems than all that impotent rage on display in your reply.

I really don’t understand why you are disillusioned. I’m guessing it’s because you are completely blind to historical realities, and woefully uninformed about how elections work. Maybe it’s because you’re a complete god damned moron. I’m honestly not sure. I would be going out on a limb speculating, so I’m not going to do that here.

Literally everything else you said

Blah blah blah. Let me recap for you: you’re whining because an incredibly weak candidate stepped aside for probably the single best candidate the DNC can field to take over. If you’re actually a Democrat voter, what the fuck are you whining about, man? Biden stepping aside just won you the election.

-7 points

I feel the exact same way. I’m not just sad about it, I’m absolutely livid. These militant ass-lickers beating you up for it are the worst kinds of people. They ruin politics by shutting down discourse and bullying others to think their way. Don’t listen to them.

You came to your conclusion honestly and it also happens to be correct. The DNC screwed us out of having a choice by closing the shutters and locking Biden away from us, letting him sweep each state in the primaries. If they instead allowed debates and let us see Joe as he is today up front we would have demanded new choices. Joe broke his promise of being a transitional president, and along with his enablers screwed us out of the chance to make the choice ourselves.

I won’t even hide it, I dislike Harris as much as I dislike Clinton. The only thing that could possibly sway me is an epic VP pick. Otherwise I’m going back to third party voting like I’ve done before Trump. I’m a registered Democrat but after all this BS I’m going independent. The DNC can rot for their crimes.

-7 points

Yes, I agree with you.

-20 points

The DNC ratfucked the primary. AGAIN! For the third fucking time. Yes they did that. It needs to be acknowledged.

And yes, they lied to you about Biden. They’ve been lying to you about Biden.

But at this point, those delegates are Biden/ Harris delegates. There is no changing that. We can caucus with Dems for one more cycle and beat Trump, and then wash our hands of them. But this time we need to extract real party level reforms. No more anointing. No more ratfucking. If they would open up the party, we could make it so that no republican ever gets elected to the Presidency. Ever. They are massively unpopular. But the problem is that the Democrats are also unpopular because they run their party like a fiefdom, and the voters they need don’t like that shit.

I’m plugging my nose and dialing from the coconut tree this go around, but unless the Democratic party actually commits to the project of democracy within their party, this might be the last time I caucus and do their job for them.

6 points

We can caucus with Dems for one more cycle and beat Trump, and then wash our hands of them.

Except in 4 years it’ll be trump again if he’s still alive, or Desantis, or trump jr, or whatever the fuck his daughter’s name is. This seems to be our new reality.

0 points

Nah. Trump loses to any one but Biden.


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