you’ve disproportionally raised the bar for a random internet Comment.
Asking for easily obtainable proof of a slanderous claim is now an unobtainable standard, folks lmfao
because I have a real world adult life.
You’ve been in this comment section for six hours lmfao
My brother in Christ if you want to simp for your instance
Nobody that replied to this chain is from, swing and a miss lmfao
you don’t HAVE to harass literally anybody in the area to do so.
Replying to comments is not harassment, it’s how forums function. The block button can be found on any comment, you click the three dots to pull it up if it’s not there already in the app you use. It’s free to use and you’re welcome to it if this is “harassment” lmfao
I’m pretty sure you’re trolling at this point though, so kudos for being as convincing as you were for that long lol
Disproportionate af lmao
The person you’re responding to is the type where saying “u mad bro?” Would send them raging.
You’ve replied for 6 hours
And yall are typing entire manifestos with your dick in your hand to win an imaginary argument with imaginary internet users over imaginary scenarios.
If you ask me, going “LUL ur fake” then still writing a novel about it over multiple days is way bigger loser behavior than whatever perceived slight you have against me -
But go off king. Write another three pages of your novel about why you can’t be bothered 😂
Lol bro is so mad nobody believes his easily provable lie
This just in folks, less than a paragraph of text is now a manifesto lmfao