Nothing’s wrong with me, your statement implied currently. He is not currently in congress and that contest took place in 2015. Use clearer language if you don’t want people to correct you.
He still is the best shot in congress. Even if he isn’t current in Congress, he can still presently be the current best shot of any current or former Congress person.
Pedantry sure is fun.
Words have meaning, you can’t be the best IN something if you’re not IN it, and have all current congress members been tested against him? If not you can’t make that claim. “Was” is correct and I’m not even positive on that because the only source I can find about this is a WSJ blurb that says the contest was “among democrats”. So if that’s the case what you should have said was “Tim Walz WAS the best shot amongst democrats in 2015”. You wouldn’t say Muhammad Ali IS the world heavyweight champion.
It’s a stupid thing to care about anyway because he’s adamantly pro gun control now. You’re not going to win over any gun people with this narrative of yours. There are plenty of better things about him to focus on.
There’s a difference between common sense gun control and not allowing people to hunt using appropriate guns for that task, though I acknowledge most gun nuts fail to realize that.
Sorry for trying to help people not make blatantly false statements I guess…
Do you know what the word blatantly means?
Do you think it correctly applies in this context? Sorry, I’m just trying to help.