Eight of the 14 reviews in for Baldur’s Gate 3 are 10/10s. Nothing is below a 9.
I definitely had to push to finish the game
Have no desire to touch Total if I’m being honest.
Tears of the Kingdom is a lot better, from someone who also thought Breath of the Wild was overrated.
TotK makes BotW feel like an unfinished Beta. This is coming from someone who didnt complete BotW but beat TotK with all shrines and such. The fact that you can make a custom airbike and even use it in some dungeons makes all the difference, IMO.
I’ve picked it up twice and it was a snore both times. The fact that you can’t continue after you beat the game is dumb and I absolutely despise the weapon durability bullshit.
Yea the weapon durability mechanic is so bad
I get the, your weapon breaks so you need to fight to get a new one, but then I was evading goblin camps because my good sword would break and all I would get was shitty clubs
Plus there was one of the bosses that I basically had to grind through because he would destroy all my weapons and shields. Very bad design