I golf right handed, bat either (but prefer left), pitch either (but prefer left becauxe I only had the one glove lol), scissors gotta do right handed or the pressure is wrong for cutting it seems like. When I eat I use both hands, not the cave man stab, cut, and switch hands for fork.
Not sure how it happens, but youre right, I do feel like I have decent mastery over both of my hands. My brother is a lefty also, but he’s an obligate lefty so I’m not sure it’s biological. I bet someone has written a paper on it.
scissors gotta do right handed or the pressure is wrong for cutting it seems like
Yeah that’s exactly it. Your hands don’t actually cut by pressing totally up and down. There’s a slight lateral motion which, when using scissors in the hand they’re designed for, pushes the blades away from each other where you’re holding them, which has the effect of pushing them into each other on the other side of the pivot point.
When I eat I use both hands
Eating right-handed means the knife is in the right hand, fork in the left.
Outside of knife-and-fork eating, the spoon goes in the dominant hand, unless doing the spoon + chopsticks you get with some noodle soups, in which case chopsticks are in the dominant hand and spoon in the secondary hand.
scissors gotta do right handed or the pressure is wrong for cutting it seems like.
And that is why there are left handed scissors.
Only problem is I can only buy a case of 72 and no more!
In actuality though, the scissors I use most are my beard scissors and now I’m not sure I could do it with lefties.