Fresh list is up! Looks like a short one for me this week but that’s ok!

My Bad Escape From Peculiar Island #4 - This one is stupid and weird and I’ve been digging it, Thomas Jefferson vs some guy lmao.

Epitaphs From The Abyss #2 - This one I was so excited for the first issue but instead of having good stories it felt like it was just preaching to me sponsored by the DNC. It doesn’t matter if I agree with many of the “lessons” they were trying to “teach me” either, it felt very condescending in a “hello fellow kids” way like some kind of food pyramid comic from the 90s. And the icing on the cake is the goddamn “weird fantasy” reboot Cruel Universe had “scarier” stories than this “horror” reboot! I’m going to give it another issue or two but this might get dropped pretty fast.

Standstill #1 - Not gonna lie I’m only slightly interested in this but since there’s not much else for me this week I may check it out. Guy steals a time stopping device and commits crimes, the inventor has to stop him. Could be good though, we’ll see!

That’s it for me, what’s on your lists this week?

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3 points

Did Conan move from Marvel?

1 point

Marvel lost the rights a few years back I think.

Which is weird because they just got the rights back in 2018…

2 points

I am surprised Conan is not public domain yet. But using Steamboat Mickey as a reference, there is 4 more years to go.

4 points

I wish I could tell you but I haven’t been following it. Honestly when I peruse the list for my picks I skip the Marvel section (as well as the mangas) entirely, I can’t get into it, personally.


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