We are looking for extremely talented aerospace engineers to help bring our prototypes to fruition. If you know any aerodynamics, propulsion, or GNC engineers who are interested in building something incredibly cool and want to make a positive difference in geopolitics, please send them our way!
interested in building something incredibly cool and want to make a positive difference in geopolitics
That is certainly one way of putting it, jesus fucking christ.
it’s also “hey can you make our missile work for us”
you know, they’re idea guys
they’re also gonna need somebody that knows hydrocodes and microwave engineer and someone who knows imagers and comms and and and
and invariably, at some point, a lawyer
they’re idea guys
Please, he prefers “Psychological Operations specialist”. From the linkedin of one of the two:
Devan served in the U.S. Army Reserve as a Psychological Operations specialist at a Tactical Psyop Company under 7th Psychological Operations Group.
Easy to arrive at that being the ideal profile:
- Ufos are a psyop
- Ufos fly
- cruise missiles fly
- hence, cruise missiles are a psyop.