they’re trying so hard to turn it around. just listen to anything they say nowadays; it either involves calling democrats or leftists weird, or calling what they do normal.
this is why this word is more potent than anything you could say about them. say they’re fascists and draconian, they wear that as a badge of honor. fascists love being feared, fearsomeness is the refuge of the pathetic.
but they can’t handle being called weird. the entire conservative mindset is about how a set of nonsense beliefs and traditions are “normal” and everyone who doesn’t align with that is degenerate. that’s what they’re conserving after all, the “normal”. once that’s turned around and everybody agrees that they’re the weird ones they lose their fucking minds.
so now they’re trying to call everything the democrats do weird. they’re so desperate.
while i generally agree, I’d argue that calling conservatives weird means less “stupid” and more “creepy”.
it’s not that they’re stupid, though they have a tenuous relationship with reality either due to ignorance or deception…
but they’re fucking creepy sex obsessed weirdos. that’s what weird is about. they’re always thinking about people’s genitals and who’s fucking who, who uses what contraception and what they do with their body. they think about trans people more than trans people think about trans people. they’re fucking creeps.