In light of what’s happened to Durov and possibly seeing Telegram compromised, I’m doubling my efforts to find a new main messenger. Before you start, not Signal as it’s a bad fit for the needs of me, my family and friends.

So what do I need?

  • The ability to run on multiple devices. Me, my family and friends all have multiple Android devices.
  • The ability to run on desktop. Linux and Windows.
  • Built in sticker repository. What can I say, I like to lazy flirt.
  • Animated Emoji. I like my messenger experience vibrant.
  • Material You. Again with the vibrancy, but also, it’s a sign of modernity.
  • Phone number linking. My family and friends are lazy as hell.
  • Synchronized chats. I don’t mind self hosting a bridge, but the ability to see messages on multiple devices is a must.
  • Voice Messages
  • Video Calls
  • Group Video Calls
  • Stories integrated into as first class citizens
  • Private. If you suggest WhatsApp, I’m assuming you’re either stupid or a troll.

Can anyone recommend anything?

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13 points

Signal is modern as in modern, good cryptography. Most of development time went into that.

With security, you always need to trade-off convenience and bling features. “Lazy as hell” don’t go well with that. I can understand lacking group video calls and ability to run on multiple devices, but not “sticker repository” and “animated emojis”. I wish they didn’t spend time on the Stories feature either, it’s supposed to be a messenger, not a social media platform.

6 points

The problem with Signal is getting other people to use it.

Part of that issue is "the dropping of support for SMS, and the awful UI/UX.

2 points

Isn’t it the opposite? I always thought Signal is pretty much the only private messenger that has any chance of mass adoption. I mean, most people at least heard about it which is already a lot in comparison to others.

Also, personally I actually really like the UI/UX. I’m curious, could you elaborate what you don’t like about it?

Regarding SMS support… Yeah, I agree. I really miss that feature.

2 points

I think the challenge of getting others to use anything other than what they’re used to is going to be the same regardless what that anything is. I know people who have continued to use something no matter how many articles were published about its security flaws, data harvesting and spying. They just don’t care. It’s what they know and it’s what their friends know.

So if you’re going to have to change someone else’s mind, pick what you like best because that won’t be the deal-breaker.

1 point

the dropping of support for SMS

Disagree. The fact that most people are clueless about types of messaging and don’t distinguish between SMS, MMS, RCS, iMessage, Signal, Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Line and so on just caused extra confusion for regular users. Removing SMS support from Signal was totally justified

1 point

what’s wrong with the ui?

3 points

I think the problem is, is that there’s a bunch of people who don’t get that modern day communication has changed. Things like Stories and Stickers are a big part of modern day communicating. The cost shouldn’t be not being able to do pretty standard things.

2 points

Signal has stories and stickers tho

1 point

Neither as first class citizens. Stories are in a tab and stickers are on a third party unofficial website.

1 point

I might use emoticons sometimes but that’s about it. If there’s a population that absolutely can’t live without Instagram like short-length videos all the time, then there’s an equivalent population who considers it feature bloat.

I see your opinion however you have been exceedingly rude in many comments on this thread, even to good people who answered you in good faith.


Signal doesn’t lack group video calls. It can support video calling up to 40 devices at once.


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